Chapter Four

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Adjusting the vibrant emerald hue of my meticulously tailored suit, I found my gaze traversing every nook and cranny of the upscale restaurant. I was on the brink of meeting Fabrico Valenquez PA any moment now. She was rumored to be both a celebrated fashion designer and a dedicated confidante to Zunino - Fabrico's middle name, revealing the extent of their relationship. Establishing rapport with her was essential if I intended to make a favorable impression on Fabrico Zunino.

"May I take your order, miss?" A waiter clad in stylish green khakis appeared at my side, bearing a notepad and a welcoming smile, awaiting my selection.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for someone," I replied brusquely, prompting the waiter to withdraw. My eyes darted toward my phone, silently willing it to ring, as I yearned for a conversation with Kay or Corby. A sense of nervousness began to creep in.

Finally, the restaurant door creaked open, revealing a statuesque brunette with cascading curls. She could easily be mistaken for a model, but I knew she was Fabrico's PA, as Corby had described. She oozed designer luxury from her Gucci sandals to her unmistakable designer smile.

As she approached my table, I stood up to extend my hand in greeting. Her discerning eyes roamed over me, and I couldn't help but notice that my green suit paled in comparison to even her earrings.

"Karen Garby," she stated firmly, firmly shaking my hand before releasing it.

"Selena Brookes," I smiled in return. "Thank you for coming."

We both took our seats, and I observed as Karen surveyed the restaurant with an appreciative gaze.

"I understand you're here on behalf of your company, yes?" she inquired, to which I nodded. "Well, I'm here as a representative of Fabrico Zunino. I'm his PA, and I'll be attending to your needs until you meet Fabrico himself on Friday."

Friday - it felt like an eternity away. I had hoped to meet him sooner. Placing my hand on the table, I maintained eye contact with Karen.

"Why such a long wait?"

"He's an incredibly busy man. The day he declares himself work-free, it's a sure sign he's ill. And that has never happened," Karen explained, offering a reassuring smile. I reciprocated the smile, even though I wasn't entirely certain why. The waiter from earlier returned, and we placed our orders.

"Or perhaps you just don't know when he's unwell," I suggested before the waiter interrupted our conversation.

Karen raised an eyebrow in agreement. "True. But I also know Fabrico almost as well as I know the palm of my hand."

We locked eyes for an extended moment, each of us silently challenging the other to look away. I reminded myself that making a positive impression was crucial; Karen was my conduit to earning Fabrico's favor.

I reached into my bag and retrieved a green book, placing it on the table. Karen's gaze finally shifted from me to the book, and she appeared pensive as she opened it. The book contained an abundance of information about our company, including product details and images, and I believed it would be a valuable resource for her.

"I assume you've already conducted research on our company, but if you have any questions, I'm here to assist. This book will be a great resource for you," I offered.

"How many sales does your company make in a month?" Karen surprised me with the question. I hesitated to reveal the exhaustive late-night calls I had endured to secure those sales.

"Um...a substantial number."

"That's not a precise answer," Karen insisted. The waiter returned with our orders, and I cringed when I saw octopus soup on Karen's plate.

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