"Got that boy grinnin."

"Ight Ight Ight, shut up foo." I grab my bag and swing it over my back then pretty much run out the stadium, getting into my jeep and starting on my way to the store. I pull into a Publix parking lot and pull out my phone to confirm she just wants Oreos and wine. I smiled because sure enough she did a imessage effect that made the word 'Double' appear all over the screen.

Just as quick as I am in. I head right out. On my way to her house, typing her address Into my gps.

Once I pull in front of her house I take in the outside, the crazy thing is it looks just like her, and her little car sitting in the drivaway resembled her as well.

I grab the bag and the wine from my passenger, and make my way to her door.

I knock and await for her to open it, I look at all the decorations she has on the proch, I turn around to look at the wind chimes she has hanging on the post on the porch.

"I made those myself."

"Oh Shit-you scared me."

"Sorry," she chcukles a little. "I didn't mean to scare you, come in." she grabs my arm and pulls me into the house.

She actually strong for how little she is. I probably got a bruise from her lip grip.

I read her welcome mat that says "Remove outside soles first." I take off my shoes and set them by the door, Instanly hit by the arouma coming from the kitchen.

"I hope you're hungry, and like mac and cheese, beef ribes, corn bread and aspargus."

"I will eat anything, especially a home cooked meal, I haven't had one in almost 6 months. I also got you the goods."

I hold up the Oreos and wine

"Oh my goodness, thank you!!" she rushes over to me and hugs me, I take a minute to inhale her scent, I couldn't even put my finger on what she smelled like exactly, I could only desribe it as sugary and warm.

"If I knew Oreos was all it took, I woulda been bought you these." She releases her grip from me.

"Sorry, in general, i'm just a hugger, but add in Oreos, and I'll cook for you too." She says giggling.

"But you can relax and what not, I know you're probably really tired from practice."

I take a seat at one of her bar stools. Just watching her while she moves around the kitchen. Stirring the pot full of asparagus, checking inside the over every so often.

I couldn't get over how pretty she looked just being...her. Wearing her gray oversized sweatpants, and a tight white tank top, with star patterned socks. And her curly hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head. The sway of her hips was so enticing. She looked so effortless and-

"Tyler?" She calls my name waving her hand in front of my face.
"My fault, what'd you say?"
"I said what did you guys do in Practice today...What were you thinking about? What made you space out all of a sudden?"

The outline of your breast in that tank top.

"Just thinking about how sore my muscles will be in the morning."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. The one who should really be sorry is Jimmy."

As I tell her why Jimmy should be sorry. We move all the food into her dining room, setting the table for ourselves she pours both of us some wine.

"So I tired out this new vegan Mac n cheese. I'm not sure how it'll taste. I tried to make it how I usually would, just obviously no dairy. If it taste shitty tell me."

She looks at me attentively as I take the first bite.

"It's fire. Like for real. It taste like real cheese."

She lets out a sigh of relief and taste herself. Nodding her head. Indicating she also thinks it taste good.

"So you're vegan?"
"Well not entirely. I'm trying to transition into it. I'm easing in. I still die and crave for meat. Hence the ribs. But I am trying to be more conscious of what I put into my body. Which is why I rarely eat out."

We continue to talk about pretty much everything. She tells me about her businesses grand opening. She invited me, as well as the rest of the team. In her words it'll be "hotter than the heat". Which was cheesy as hell. But we both laughed about it.

She said a lot of cheesy things now that I think about it.

"Can you grab the Oreos please before you come in here."
"Of course, do you want me to rub your feet too?"

She laughed, but I was actually being serious. During dinner she mentioned how she was on her feet all day, getting things ready for her grand opening.

As I make my way to her plush blue couch I grab the Oreos off the counter.

"You're so silly." She reaches up to grab the Oreos from me. I sit down lifting her feet from the vacant spot on the couch then rest them on my lap. "Tyler, you don't actually have t-"

"Shhh," I take off her socks. Reveling her gold ankle bracelet, and perfectly manicured neon pink toe nails.

I chuckle. "Cute"
"What? It's one of my favorite colors. Plus it's summer time. I needed another color other than white."
"I like it." I say squeezing the soles of her tiny foot.
"What size shoe do you wear anyway?" I compare my hand size to her foot.

"I could 100% break your foot with this hand right now. If I wanted."
"Well it's a good thing you don't want too." She says laughing. "I can wear a lot of sizes. If it's in kids shoes then a 6, women's 7 1/2-8"

I begin to laugh. As I continue massaging her feet. She breaks the seal of the Oreos.

"You want?" I nod as she points to the pack.
"You'll have to feed it to me."
"All long as you keep rubbing, I'll do anything."

I quirk an eyebrow up in her direction.

"Oh get your mind outta the gutter."
"Aye. I ain't say nothin."
"Just open yo mouth boy."

We continue to talk for what seemed like hours. Just talking about everything. My time in Miami, hers. What'd I'd be doing if I weren't in the NBA. What I plan to do afterwards.

If all else fails, she is genuinely just a cool down to earth person. Take away all the physical attraction. I'd vibe with her in anyway.

"Thank you for coming T. I really enjoyed your company."

She pulls me into a hug. Wrapping her arms around my neck. I take advantage of the moment again to breathe in her delectable scent. Running my hands along the curves of her waist.

"Fasho, so when ima see you again?" I say pulling away looking at her eyes.
"You not wasting no time I see." She says giggling. "But I can make room in my schedule for you."
"Don't keep me waiting too long."
"I won't." She opens the door for me as we say our final goodnights.

I just about skipped to my car with joy like a lil ass kid. But I don't care. Word to Ariana Grande. 'I see it, I like it, I want it...I got it.'

A/N; sorry y'all for such slow updates on this story. Ugh 😩. I genuinely enjoy writing Tyler, and Alinas story. But I don't feel like it's the most interesting.

Not that the votes really dictate my writing. But when I as a writer don't see many interactions with a story I assume it's not good; or nobody is enjoying it.

But I'll continue to write. I hope y'all do like it. I like to take my stories slow. I don't like to lead right into smut etc. so hopefully y'all good with that. And if you're not 🤷🏾‍♀️.

Anyways please leave some in line comments, and votes, just feedback in general. Ok I'm done talking. Sending y'all all the love 🧿

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