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Oh my god my head hurts! And the light from the sun isn't helping at all.

I groaned as I slowly get up to close the curtains and walk towards the bathroom.

"Oh you're awake." Jisoo casually said while brushing her teeth as I enter her bathroom and pee. Yeah this is pretty normal to us.

"I'm not drinking ever again." I said groaning that only made her chuckle.

"Yeah right. There's aspirin and water on the bedside table. Drink it while I prepare breakfast." She said as she finished brushing her teeth and left.

God my head is pounding I don't think I can go to school at this state. Who said drinking on a school night is a good idea?

I sluggishly grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Yes I have my own toothbrush here, some clothes, even slippers and a pair of sneakers. I practically live here too to be honest.

I walk towards the bedside table after to get the aspirin and took it.

God what time is it? I grabbed my phone and saw 16 missed calls and 25 unread messages all from Lisa. Lisa! I didn't tell her where I was!

"Hey, Jisoo unnie said that you guys are busy, I got worried for nothing you chipmunk. Good luck on your project. Don't forget to text me in the morning. Good night. love you."

It was the last message she sent me last night. I guess Jisoo told her we're working on a nonexistent project as an excuse. She's my saviour, always have been.

"Good morning sorry about that, we were so caught up with the project last night and I left my phone in the bedroom. Anyways, lunch later?" I texted as I make my way to the kitchen. It's 8 am she should be awake by now, she has a 9am class.

"Good morning chipmunk! I'll be off by 11, it's your treat right? That's for making me worried." She replied that made me smile. God how does she do this? How does she make my tummy burst with butterflies.

"I said I'm sorry but okay. See you later." I texted back as I reach the breakfast counter.

"Okay. Love you." She replied that made me sit on the stool. Love you too. I replied as I bite my lip. If only you knew.

"Fuck you Kang. Don't show yourself or you're a dead meat." Jisoo spat as she flip the pancake that made me chuckle.

"What was that about?" I asked amused as she hang up grumpily.

"Seulgi did something stupid. Fuck I wanna beat her ass." She said as she place a glass of fresh orange juice for me.

"She's taller than you." I teasingly said that made her scoff.

"So? I can still beat her ass and you know that." She said cockily that made me laugh. Well she is pretty strong for her built. If ever she and even Lisa fight I'll actually put my bet on her, I know she'll win. I mean I've seen her in action before, it was the first time that we met.

"Give me your wallet now." A man with a knife said as he block the way that made me stop walking. I shouldn't have chose this route home. It's already pretty dark and no one seems to be around, I'm helpless. Shit I can't give him my wallet, I need to pay my rent tomorrow.

I started backing up when he started to advance towards me.

"I said give me your damn wallet if you don't wanna get hurt!" He said again as he pointed me his knife.

"No please. I'm just a student." I pleaded as I feel my body go numb, all I can see is the sharpness of his knife pointed at me.

"You will give it to me or - fuck!" He screech as someone hit him with what looks like a plank of wood.

He then turned to his attacker as he rub the back of his head, it's a girl? He then swish the knife towards her but she's fast and dodged it and threw a cigarette butt to his face. I quickly grab my phone and dialled 911 with my trembling hands as he focused his attention to the girl.

"You bitch." He screamed as he continued his strike but the girl caught his hand and twisted it making him release the knife.

"Aarghhh fuckk! Let go of me!!" He screamed and I saw the girl... smirk?

She let go of his hand pushing him to the ground but the guy quickly stood up and lunge towards her that made me gasp. He caught her and straddle her but she effortlessly reverse their position and started punching him in the face.

"Fuck- you-- you crazy b-b b-itch!!" the guy screamed as he receives the girl's punches on top of him.

A police siren was then heard that made her stop and stood up. She was about to run but the guy grabbed her leg and her now dirty white hoodie as he also stood up.

She then chuckled at the guy's condition and punched him in the nose and kicked him where the sun don't shine that made him cry out. The guy is now on the ground with busted face and has his hands on his crotch groaning in pain.

She then turned to me, she's pretty no, she's gorgeous but what caught me off is her smile, her smile so soft like she didn't just beat a guy's ass. I'm still in shocked with everything when she grab my wrist with her bloody hand and started running, dragging me with her.


"Here." Her voice woke me up from reminiscing as she place a plate of pancakes with fruits in front of me.

"Thanks." I giddily said and digged in that made her chuckle.

"You think you can attend class? Does your head still hurt?" She asked as she herself started eating.

It still amazes me how she could be this caring girl and be that crazy girl that beat the crap out of that thug that night at the same time.

"Yeah. Thanks for the aspirin and the food." I said happily and continued eating.

I know you might think it's because of the fact that she likes me but I've known her for quite some time now and she's like this to everyone. She's caring, generous, kind, protective, she's a gentlewoman. She's perfect actually.

If only my heart could choose her instead and save both of us from pain. She's everything and more than I could ask for, but she's not... Lisa.

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