It's Nice To Have A Friend

Start from the beginning


"I cried a little and then remembered, I can do this because I'll love them and I'll have you. Love is something powerful you know?"

"I've never really loved anyone. The only people I kinda loved was my family. I've never had a girlfriend of sorts to love...even a dog."

I laugh slightly when he says that. "I think you've loved before."

"And with who exactly?"

"I can think of a couple people."

"You're not gonna tell me."

"Nope." He needs to realize for himself how much he actually loves Liv and I. We get to the doctor shortly and I follow Joe inside. I check in and I'm called into the doctors office. I sit on the table as I wait for the doctor to come.

"Are you wearing a ponytail to keep your jeans shut?" He asks.

"Yes! Okay? Jeez, leave me alone."

"I was just asking."

"I haven't had the time to buy maternity clothes so this is my improvise. I did this when I couldn't afford shit." I explain.

"It's an amazing look on you." He ridicules.

"Thank you." I giggle but stop when I see the OB walk in. She walks up close to me and puts her hand out.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Anderson. I'll be taking care of you today." She delivers this with a smile and I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you." I respond with.

"Just lay down and I'll begin the process." I nods and do as told. She puts that heckin cold gel on my stomach and gets ready to start everything. Joe sits on a chair a few feet away rather then being close to me. T.V shows give you unrealistic expectations.

"I'm super excited." I am truly excited, I'm having a baby without feeling like the weight of the world on my shoulders.

"So, that's the baby right there, the little peanut looking thing. You're about 15 weeks pregnant and it looks like everything is perfect. Very strong heartbeat which is always a good thing and everything is going amazing." I see Joe stand up and walk to the screen. There we go, that's my T.V show scene.

"It's beautiful. I know it's just black and white wavy lines basically but it's beautiful."

"You're the father I'm taking it."

"Technically-I mean, it's confusing." He says.

"We were fuck buddies." I explain.

"Fuck buddies?" I see her giving me the most confused face.

"Friends with benefits..."

"Ah I see...that's a shame . You would be a cute couple." I've heard more appropriate things said from a doctor.

"Well, we are not." I make this very clear to them but it's mostly directed towards Joe.

"I'll give you two a moment." She gives us a slight nod and leaves the room after handing us a picture of the ultrasound.

"My parents are gonna be so pissed." Joe says as he holds the picture.

"You haven't told them?!"

"Have you told yours?"

"I haven't talked to them in years and they probably saw the video anyways!"

"Okay, okay. You win, I'll tell them."

"It will probably be easier since you've already told them about me."


"You didn't even tell them about me!?"

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