"What kind of name is Finn?" I laugh then it makes me sneeze again.

"It is short for Finnagan" Grandma explains.

"Finnagan. Sounds like someone from Ireland" I remark.

"He is. He traveled the seven seas from there a long ago. He is a bit like you. Getting away from family issues to. His Father never listens. You two might get along" Grandma tells me.

"So does Finn hang out at the beach a lot?" I ask feeling curious to know more about who Finn was. I did not think for one moment that Finn was a mythical creature of the sea. But someone Grandma met on the beach.

"All the time. I think he was the one to save my lovely Granddaughter. He was just repaying the favor he owed me for" she explains.

"What kind of favor did he owe you?" I want to know more.

"I was down at the pier when there were fishermen about. It was a busy day. I spotted Finn under the docks swimming. He was snagged by the fishermen's nets. He tugged and pulled to get away. But he could not. I was out fishing to with Rigsby. I had my pocket knife handy. So I cut the net setting old Finn free. He owed me one. He told me one day he would repay me. And I see he kept his word" Grandma promises me. I laugh more.

My Grandma had lost her mind. She had been living here to long without company. It sure was a good thing that I came when I did. So she would have some nice normal conversations with a human being.

She had to get that head of hers out of those fairy tale books. I loved those books to. But that is what they were. Just books was all. Made up stories.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Grandma, are you trying to tell me that a merman saved my life? Because he owed YOU a favor?" I snicker with laughter until my sides hurt.

"Yes, that is what I am telling you" Grandma says. It was no wonder my Mother did not want to call Grandma lately. She was losing her mind. But I loved her all the same. She never had changed.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that Finn saved you?" Grandma demands to know.

"Because there are no such things as mermaids, mermen, big foot or any other mythical creature" I laugh. Grandma frowns.

"Not sure when you stopped believing. But it is all true. I am off. I will be back. Maybe if you moved off the couch today you might start to feel a little better" Grandma points out to me. I sigh. She was right about that. Maybe I should get dressed.

I did want to take a walk on the beach. Nowhere in the ocean of course. I learned my little lesson on that one. I decided to be extra safe I would bring Rigsby on the walk with me. I get dressed.

Pull my black hair up in a ponytail. Then I am good to go. There was no one there that I was planning on impressing anyway. Rigsby was wagging his tail following me around hoping to go with me. I get his leash out.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Wanna go for a walk? Do you? Huh boy?" I ask him.

He wags his tail with joy. Then places his paws on my leg as though he was answering me to say "YES! Are you freaking kidding me?" I pet his head then place his leash on him. I sneeze again. I grab a tissue from the box before heading out. Grandma had left for the store. I made sure to lock up as I left. The nice thing about this part of the beach was that not many tourist knew it was over here.

So there were not a whole lot of people here to bother you. Which I loved. It was kind of like having your own mini private beach area. Rigsby walked along with me enjoying the sea breeze that made his little ears flap back in the wind.

Finn [Merman]Where stories live. Discover now