"Brat! Get Lost!" The man said while grimacing. Since he was about to go so far, how would he possibly be willing to care about Yang Kai's presence and give up?

Yang Kai only returned an uninterested look and very soon, the man standing in front of him charged over like a mad bull. His face, now filled with rage, turned murderous.

"Then, I shall release you from your pain..." Yang Kai stood at the same place. When the man rushing towards him was close enough, he took his hand and pointed it towards the man's chest. Yang Yuan Qi soon injected itself into the man's heart; stopping it instantly. Without the slightest bit of pain, the man's body turned limp as his life force disappeared.

Behind him, was the lady sobbing in mourning. Hearing those weak hiccups, Yang Kai felt uncomfortable as well. He turned around in attempt to comfort. But once he turned around, and his eyes laid focus on her face, his whole mind shivered.

This woman seems as though she was in her 30s. By her white and tender skin, she should be gorgeous. However, right now, there was a horrendous scar tearing through her face. Each mark, about a nail thick, spanned across her entire face. Even the dried up blood around the wound did not seemed to have been completely scrapped off; though even it it was, her beauty could never be restored.

The sight of the woman was terrifying to fathom but even as she covered herself with the ripped clothes, and hid her face, she was crying with a small expression of gratitude.

Knowing her own appearance, even as she felt gratitude to her savior, she retreated. She did not wish to frighten Yang Kai.

Yang Kai's whole body seemed to turned cold as he extends his hand to grasp the woman's wrist.

"No... Please stop..." The woman tried to struggle.

Yang Kai remained undisturbed and used his other hand to gently lift up her head.

"Please... I beg you to stop..." The woman continued to beg. As her tears continued to fall from her cheeks, she weakly looked at Yang Kai, causing the scar on her face to seem a little more terrifying.

In the meantime, Yang Kai's eyes did not seem to hold and sense of lust and disgust. Instead, it held slight sadness and hesitation. After lifting her chin up, his shaking hand moved to clear away the black hair blocking his view, to reveal her entire face.

The woman closed her eyes. It was unclear if she was afraid of her own appearance or if Yang Kai's actions had startled her. Regardless, tears were still continuously streaming down her face.

Yang Kai's pupils contracted as he took a long and good look at the woman before sounding off. "Madame?"

Hearing him refer to her in such a familiar manner, the woman slowly opened her eyes. Even with tears clouding her pupils, she still looked at Yang Kai carefully with a flash of doubt hovering in her mind. Once she recognized him, her doubt gradually vanished and was replaced with a sense of surprise and joy.

"Madame, is that really you?" Yang Kai is unable to believe that his hunch was right after his eyes first lay on this woman. He thought that he had seen someone familiar. Moments ago, his impulsive and weird actions were simply because he wanted to confirm if his hunch was right.

After the woman heard Yang Kai's voice, she thought back to the time, two months ago, of the beggar who was covered in dirt. Trembling, she spoke, "Little Beggar, is that you?"

Yang Kai took a deep breath. After he heard those two words from her, he knew that his hunch was right. [I would have never thought I would find the Madame of the Jiang Family here!]

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