Chapter 43

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7 months later
I woke to a sharp pain in my stomach


I looked around and saw it was still dark i looked at the alarm clock Beside my bed and saw it was two in the morning

I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen i got water took a sip then dropped it


I looked at the ground my water broke i grabbed my phone and called 911

L:911 what's your emergency

S:my water ahhhhh my water just broke

L:what's your name mam'm

S:sara Thomson

L:okay an ambulance is on their way please stay on the phone and keep breathing in and out


After a couple of minutes i heard the door knock

S:come in

A women and man came in

M:hi mam'm my names Melissa

S:please call me sara

G:okay sara im Gary we're gonna take you to the hospital is that okay

S:yeah that's fine ahhhhh


I was now at the hospital laying on a bed trying to get the baby out of me

L:one more push



L:she's beautiful

Leslie handed me my baby

She stopped crying

L:so what's her name

S:ermmmm quin

L:quin what a nice name where'd it come

S:my ex this is his baby as well his name was quinton so thought quin

L:how lovely well ill give you some time alone and have fun you'll be a great mum

S:thank you

After she left i looked down at quin

S:you look like your dad you've got his smile and eyes i love you

I got out of bed and put quin in her coat thingy

S:go to sleep baby

I walked over to the bed and layed down i pulled the cover over me and drifted to sleep

adopted By Alex And Kouvr Warren (editing) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat