Chapter 36 (beach House^)

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I woke up the next morning feeling quinton's arms around me i slowly moved from out his arms and went to the kitchen

I went to the fridge openers it and saw nothing in it

S:goddammit he really needs to stop snacking during the night

I went over to the cupboard and pulled out blue icing i opened it to see half of it gone


I took a spoon and dug it into the icing picking up a big scoop then shoving it in my mouth



He yelled just after arriving at the kitchen door

I took another big spoonful of icing

S:we need food your stupid ass eat it all

Q:hey you like my ass

S:no not really

Q:okay okay ill got get food soon wanna come

S:no im gonna go tan

Q:okay don't talk to anyone


Q:right ima get ready and leave

S:kay gimme kisses

He walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lips then head

Q:love you

S:love you too

He walked away and i walked outside i looking and saw just a few people on the beach i walked upstairs as quinton was going we said bye then continued

I went into my suitcase and got a bathing suit

I walked downstairs and went out back i looked around and the people were gone

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I walked downstairs and went out back i looked around and the people were gone

Before i stepped out i grabbed my bag witch contained a book, water, sunglasses, sun screen, towel and a hat

I walked to just before the water witch was a couple of feet from the water i sat my bag down grabbed my towel and laid it on the nice clear really faded almost white sand

I layed on the towel grabbed my book and started reading

*couple hours later*

I just woke up and saw it was dark then realised i was still siting by the water i grabbed all my things and went inside and checked the time on the clock 1.00am

I sat my stuff down and shouted quinton


nothing i kept shouting his name but no one answered i looked around the house nothings i phone his phone nothing i walked back into the kitchen and made some dinner incase maybe he just went a walk

But as i was going into the fridge i realised that quinton went to the shop to get food

I grabbed a big jumper that went to my knees and put it over my swim suit i grabbed some slids slipped then on then grabbed my phone and purse

I walked out the door locking it behinde me i started waking around the beach then went to some shops that were near here but couldn't find him

I went to a shop that was across the street from our beach house and grabbed some pickles and peanut butter i paid for it then went home

As i was about to go into the house i saw quinton with some dude the guy had his arm around quintons waist and quinton had his arm around the guy

I walked towards them and after a minute came to a stop i a crossed my arms and looked at then the guy

?:may i help you

S:why are you carrying my boyfriend

?:he's yours

S:not mine i don't own him he's just my boyfriend that im about to kill

?:oh okay umm here you go

He said while pushing quinton over to me when he engulfed me into a hug he smelt like beer

Q:hey babyyyyyyyy

S:shut up

I said while moving back making him fall to the ground

Q:seeeee mateeee toldddd you shee fistey

?:hmmm yeah anyway I'm need to get going bye

S: thanks -


S:thanks marco see you around

M:see you around

He walked away and i looked at quinton


S:don't whatttt me

Q:im sorry help me op

S:no get up yourself and your not getting kisses or hugs or anything sexual related for the rest of the trip

Q:buttt two weekssss is took ling

I turned around and ran to the house i ran to our room jumped on the bed turned the tv on and watched kissing booth 2

I got my pickles dipped them in my peanut butter and eat them

S:mhmmm this is so fucking good

I layed back and continued eating

After i was done eating i turned the tv off and fell asleep

Hey guys sorry for the long wait I've been busy writing another story witch i will publish the first couple of chapters tonight its about dancing but its also got romance and dirty things in it 😉😏😏

adopted By Alex And Kouvr Warren (editing) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt