Chapter 16

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The door open and there stood quinton  nick quickly got off me and stood beside me





Q:you hit her

N:no i didnt

Q:yes you did now just admit it

Nick walked away and quinton ran to me

Q:are you okay


He helped me up then took me into a deep hug

I started balling my eyes out

Q:heyhey dont cry your safe

I just continued to cry

After a couple of minutes we heard feet at the door we looked up and there was mum and dad (aka Alex and kouvr)

M:hey quinton can we have a minute alone with sara

Q:yeah sure

Quinton gave me last hug and walked out

My mum and dad came over and we all sat on the bed

D:why didn't you tell us

S:i don't know

M:sara theres got to be reason

S:okay so about two weeks ago me and nick were arguing and then it got out of control so he hit me across the face *i started tearing up* and the next day i woke up and nick came into my room i told him to get out but he wouldn't listen he walked over to me and started kissing me i jkept telling him to stop but he wouldn't so  as he was about to you know what someone knocked on the door so i shoved him off and got dressed and answered and that was when dad came into my room and saw nick putting on his shirt then we got into a big argument then after dad left i told nick i was breaking up with him but then he started beating me and telling me i wasn't going to break up with him then today he basically done the same

At this point i was belting my eyes out

After a few minutes i few two pairs of arms around me

M:its okay hunny

S:do you love me

D:pumkin of cours we love you your our world and no matter what happens we will always be there for you okay


We hug for a few minutes until we heard the door creak open

S:hey quinton

Q:how'd you know

S:im sure i just guessed


S:aww is bubs mad

Q:you don't have the right to call me bubs anymore

S:why not bubs

Q:because i said so

S:awww well then ill need to think of a knew name then

M:i think we're gonna leave you two alone for a while

D:we are

M:yes alex we are

Mum grabbed dad by the arm and pulled him out the room

Quinton walked over and sat next to me

Q:you okay

S:y-yeah just shaken up like

He pulled me into a great big hug and kissed my forehead

Hey sorry for this shit chapter but ive been really busy I've been practicing for bgt (Britain's got talent) and I've also kinda been worried about this covid-19

adopted By Alex And Kouvr Warren (editing) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें