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(That's their boat but imagine the deck is closer to the water. Fun fact I don't know crap about fishing so deal with me.)

Tsukishima POV

"Hey Tsukishima! Could you grab the map?" Daichi yelled from across the boat.

I grabbed our spare map and started my trek across the boat. We were currently fishing in the gulf of mexico and having a pretty good season so far.

I made it to the cockpit and handed Daichi the map.

"Why do you need it? We have the GPS you know." I asked in my monotone voice.

"Yeah, the problem is the GPS doesn't know where we are."

That was strange. For the 3 years that we have had it it never malfunctioned, let alone break. I shot a quick glance at it and saw that the screen was black.

I turned back to Daichi and he had a puzzled look on his face.

"Tsukishima, could you please call the rest of the crew."

I dug out my radio and said,

"Everyone to the cockpit now."

Daichi shot me a glare and I heard a series of '10/4's' from everyone else.

After a couple minutes of waiting Tanaka ran in. He was followed by Asahi and Kageyama.

"You called." Kageyama spat at me.

"Hey now, let's not fight. We kind of have a problem. We're lost."

Asahi's eyes went wide and Kageyama gasped. 

"We're what?!" Tanaka yelled.

"We're lost. The GPS is broken and I recognize none of our surroundings."

"W-well, should we stay here or try to find a way out?" Asahi asked.

"Well, It's only 4 p.m. so we should continue with our fishing for the day, then anchor here until we figure out what to do."

Everyone nodded and went back to what they were doing.

I walked back out on deck and brought in one of the nets.

I saw everything from red snapper to trigger fish. I emptied the net onto the table and put the net back out. I started to sort the fish by species and weighting them.

~~2 hour skip~~

"Hey, Tsukishima! Come eat dinner with us!" Tanaka yelled from the galley.

"No. I still have one more net to bring in."

"Oh party pooper!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to where my net was. It started to reel it in but something  was off about it.

First, the net seemed to weigh a good 140 pounds witch was more than they usually weighed.

Second, the fish weren't putting up a fight to get out. Normally the net would be moving more. Sometimes the net would even break.

The net continued to rise and I saw something green in it.

I swear to god if I brought up part of a coral reef I will kill everyone here and then myself.

The net came up fully and I took a look at what I had brought up.

I gasped and fell on my back. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

In the net there was... something. It looked human, but it wasn't.

His bottom half was a swamp green fish tail. The fins were large and flat. I had never seen anything like it.

I finally decided to take a look at the top half. There were freckles scattered all over his body. Their hair matched their tail and there was a ahoge in his hair. He looked to be about my age, but, I was dreaming, right?

After a minute of staring I noticed there were small sobs coming from him. I saw small pearls falling from the net into the water.

Was he crying pearls?

I cleared my thought and he looked up. His green eyes made contact with my yellow ones.

I slowly got up and walked towards the net. He tried to scoot back but he couldn't in the net.

I reached out my hand to pull the net closer to the boat. His eyes flickered from my hand to my face. 

I got a closer look at his tail. I could see small scratches and cuts littering it. A couple were even bleeding.

"You're bleeding." I said in a monotone voice. He flinched when I spoke.

I reached under the sorting table to grab my first aid kit. I pulled out a towel and some bandages and walked back to the net. The holes were big enough where I could work on his tail without having to cut him out.

As I went to fix his cuts he did everything in his power to get away from me.

"Look. I'm just trying to help you. So you can either sit still and cooperate or I will hold you down and make you cooperate."

That made him calm down and I gently put my hand on his tail. To my surprise it was smooth and almost felt soft.

I took the towel and started to wipe away the blood in his cuts. He flinched a couple times but managed to stay calm.

I finished cleaning the cuts and started to wrap the bandages around his tail.

I was just finishing tying the knot when I heard Daichi yell,

"Tsukishima! If you don't get in here now I will drag you down here!"

A wave of panic washed over me. I couldn't let anyone else see him. Who knows what would happen.

"Tsukishima! I'm coming out there!"

I turned back to the boy in the net. He had a panicked look in his eye.

I made a snap decision on what to do. I pulled out my pocket knife and started to cut a hole in the net. Thankfully the ropes were on the thinner side so they were easy to cut through.

Before I made the final cut that would get him out he pulled something out from around his ear and handed it to me.

"Yamaguchi." He said as I made the final cut in the net. I saw his figure swim deeper and deeper before he was out of sight. I pocketed whatever he had given me quickly before Daichi could see it.

Daichi came up behind me.

"What happened to your net?!" He asked, jumping slightly in surprise.

"I brought it up like this. There might have been a shark." I lied.

"Well, that means we just need to be careful. Come on, dinners ready." He said, dragging me below deck.

What was that?


School starts on the 20th and i'm super sad about it because i'm not going to be able to post as frequently.

#I need to put out content and i'm going insane but i'm enjoying it 2k20

So I decided on this idea for the next train wreak so I hope it's mildly enjoyable. If there anything I need to improve on please tell me!

So I finished writing this chapter and I realized they are from Japan and not the US and the gulf of mexico is no where near Japan. But i'm not going to change it.

Well, have a nice day/night!

~Claire <3

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