Smart And Smarter

Start from the beginning

"What do you think?" Chase asked looking like Davenport when he is excited. They really are similar.

"What do I think, or what's appropriate to say to your face?" Leo asked/said confused. Chase's smile started to fade as Bree took the card from Leo.

"'Chase the Dream?' Please do not give these to anyone I might want to become friends with."

"I've got a whole plan. Check it out. I even linked the latest facial recognition software to the school database to create a laser automated attendance system!" We all walked towards the front of the school and we saw a metallic structure. Andrew Lamb walked underneath the structure and a laser surrounded him.

"Andrew Lamb has been late three days in a row." A voice that sounded like Chase announced. An officer dragged Andrew to the principal's office as Chase said, "Straight to the principal's office, Andy!"

"He'll thank me later for putting him on the right path!" Chase said to us happily.

"More like thank you for putting him on the misery's path, aka, Principal Perry's office!" I retorted back at him.

"Oh, dude, you're never gonna win with that! Kids want fun stuff like jacuzzis in math class and hallways paved with candy! Oo, and I also think Biology would be a lot fun more fun if we could juggle the frogs before we dissect them!" Adam told Chase.

"That's frog abuse!" Leo pointed out.

"Fine, we'll do it after, but it's gonna get messy!"

"I agree with Adam about the fun stuff! You should let Adam help you!" I told Chase as I walked to Adam's side, "He might actually help you with this stuff!" Me and Adam both went to the cafeteria together and we were in line to get food.

"OO!! Turkey!!" Adam fan-girled as he got some turkey.

"Look there's gravy!" I pointed towards the bucket of gravy. He grabbed the bucket and I got some turkey. He poured almost all of the gravy onto his plate and turned to me.

"Want some?"

"Sure!" He poured the rest onto my plate (which wasn't too much) and walked out of the line to be stopped by Chase's voice.

"Step away from the gravy!" The voice said.

"Don't tell me what to do, turkey!" Adam snapped looking at his plate. Chase came up to us smiling and pointed towards his metal machine.

"Adam, that's my nutritional scanner, insuring that everyone gets a perfectly balanced nutritious lunch!" Chase explained. I moved my tray underneath the machine and it made a noise.

"Really? Only 1 vegetable?" It said.

"Oh, don't judge me!" I snapped at it.

"Chase I don't think your scanner's a good idea." Adam said to Chase.

"Yeah, same here!" I agreed with Adam. We placed our trays on a table and sat down close enough to hear Chase protest.

"Of course it it! Who doesn't love being told how to eat properly!?" He asked.

"More green beans! Too many fries! A cupcake? Really? I wouldn't, but it's your health!" The machine told three people.

"Chase, you're going about this all wrong! Let us help! Look, we know how to win votes!" Adam assured Chase. He went along with it and Adam and I went out of the cafeteria.

"You know what I'm thinking!?" Adam asks me with a serious face, turning my shoulders so I could face him.

"Bringing in the kart!" I reply with a smirk on my face.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now