Chapter 1

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"Lazy sundays == fundays" I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing as I read out Mikail's bio "seriously Mike? You couldn't write anything better? And what in the world does 'we'll see the stars from the top of my Honda' supposed to imply? What are you trying to sound like? An open invitation for gold diggers?"

Mikail shook his head and for a second I thought he was genuinely sad. I immediately kept the phone on the edge of the fountain where we were sitting and smoothly scooted over to him only to shoot back in mock indignation when he looked up, a huge grin spreading across his face and staying there as he laughed, his hair bouncing as soft curls fell over his eyes, glistening in the sunlight that had been lucky enough to settle on his head.

"I thought it would be poetic" he said between nervous laughs, "you know seeing the stars when what everyone wants to see is each other's naked bodies, but  you can write something better, can't you? I mean isn't that why I'm paying you?" he pointed his finger at me, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows as I laughed at the way he emphasized on 'paying'.

Mikail Rodricks didn't need an attractive Tinder profile to get a girlfriend. Everything, from his brilliant brown hair to his equally brilliant brown eyes, his electric aura, his six feet tall lean body,hell even his 'rich daddy' leather jacket and shades vibe, shouted cool and hot at the same time.

Nonetheless , I was one of the few girls who had the heartbreaking privilege of knowing that Mikail Rodricks was an unreal manifestation of a lot of adjectives but 'committed' was definitely not one of them. In the past month itself, he had been a playboy, party animal, sports enthusiast (though I'm still not sure of which sport he was enthusiastic about) and a drama geek with four different Tinder accounts, but everytime he miserably failed at writing his biography, he found me at the water fountain with a hundred dollar note in his hand.  ;)))))

Mikail's phone was still in my hand, displaying a black and white mirror selfie as his profile photo.  Stealing a few more seconds to take in the ridiculously hot picture, I returned it to him. Part of me wanted to tell him that it was okay to not have an ecstatically creative bio if he has looks like that, but then all I could feel was the crisp note in his palm and how mine was itching to feel it and stuff it in the Hannah Montana piggy bank waiting on my window sill.

"It'll be ready by tomorrow" I told him with a genuine smile, while Alexandra Flynn placed her phone on my lap along with the fee.

" Hey wait Mikail! I think you dropped some extra money in here" I glanced at the front zip of my backpack before typing away into Alexandra's phone, the 'horny girl with no regrets' description I had penned down last night, my eyes focused on my oscillating fingers, careful not to miss a single word so as to come through as 'too inviting' or 'too shy'.

"Gotta tip the waitress" I looked up to his smiling face and stuck out my tongue as he lifted his chin to mouth 'serving me hot hookups'. The way he said it made me feel like I was doing something dirty when all I was doing was editing his Tinder profile. I resumed my cautious typing with the faintest blush colouring  my tan face.

"And oye! Anaira" I crossed my eyebrows, annoyed at being forced to look up the second time while Alexandra's rolling eyes bore into the side of my head.

" What?"

" Next time you wanna drool at my pictures, just text me, I might even send you the shirtless ones " he smirked in the most exaggerated way there is and with a final swing of his bag, he left.

Before I could show him my middle finger.

"You know that he's like totally out of your league right" Alexandra's husky voice slurred. 

"And you know that it's totally wrong to be on a dating app when you already have a boyfriend, right?" I replied in a dubious tone.

That finally shut her up.

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