Gu Yan busyly said, "Don't worry, he is still young, and has just experienced this kind of thing just now, and it is estimated that he was quite scared. Let him rest in the tent and eat something."

Nie Yu thinks naturally agrees: "He seems to have not eaten today. I just asked Mr. Huo and said that we need to wait before we leave for the capital of Sarabapp, just to give him something to eat at this time."

Gu Ye listened to Nie Yu's arrangement. This son was unexpectedly reliable at critical moments. He was so thoughtful and really moved: "Okay!"

And just as the mother and child talked, Jiang Yinfeng raised her eyelashes quietly and glanced at Gu Yan secretly.


After entering the tent, Gu Yan busy fetched some food, which were prepared in advance and compressed biscuits for Jiang Yinfeng to eat, and also brought chocolate to supplement his energy.

Jiang Yinfeng was obviously hungry. He took the food, drank his head, and was still quiet, as quiet as a little squirrel.

Gu Yan stared at the son.

Seventeen years old, not a child, but never said a word from start to finish, and even glanced at him as if he had sneaked a glance, and then quickly retracted his sight at the touch.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, Gu Min realized that this was not quite right. This is not the case for a normal seventeen-year-old boy.

Nie Yu certainly understood, shrugged, and looked helplessly at his mother.

At this time, I suddenly missed the ghost ghost Huo Lanting who loved to find faults and jumped around and jumped a little mouth.

Taking another look at Jiang Yinfeng who was eating quietly, Gu Ye winked at Nie Yu, and Nie Yu followed Gu Ye out.

"When I dragged him onto the plane, he was like that, he never said anything." Nie Yu frowned, touching her chin, and described this feeling to her mother: "I started to think he was unfamiliar with me, Later I told him for a long time, and he ignored me and didn't respond at all. I suspected that he was deaf- "

how is this possible!

Gu Yan firmly did not believe how such a beautiful and spiritual boy could be deaf.

"Yeah, I deliberately tried it later." Nie Yu said here, guilty of looking away, how the temptation is not good to tell his mother: "I found that he is not, he can talk, and understand me , He just doesn't want to talk, he doesn't like to look at each other. "

"Will this be ... social horror? Or autism?" Gu Zheng wondered: "When our mobile phone has a signal, please contact his housekeeper immediately. He doesn't have a housekeeper called Nangong Housekeeper. Learn first. What the **** is going on. "

"Okay, when we go back to the capital, let's see what is going on with the younger son."

At this time Huo Chenchen had ordered people to pack and evacuate the piece. They had just snatched their "groom" from the tuareg clan, and did not leave quickly, only to be chased by the other party, and there would be an unnecessary trouble at that time.

Gu Yan stood outside the tent, hesitated, thinking whether he would go in.

When she went in, she was afraid he wouldn't be comfortable eating.

Or wait until he finishes eating?

Who knows just then, the curtain of the tent opened.

He apparently didn't expect her to stand outside the tent, and when he met his eyes, he stood a little helpless, with his mouth slightly open, and stared at her with wet eyes. He was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. .

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