[ special chapter pt. 1 ]

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❝chan.. say ah~❞ changmin said while shoving a piece of pancake to.. well, his boyfriend now, choi chanhee.

it took months for chanhee to be able to open up his heart again. when changmin told him that he likes him, he was confused. he just had his one sided love with sunwoo and there changmin was telling him he likes him.

so he tried to ignore changmin, but the younger was so persistent and showed that he's really serious about him. chanhee was hesitant at first but soon he let his heart love again and that led them to where they are right now.

chanhee pouted but he opened his mouth and ate the pancake. changmin calling him "chan" reminds him of jaehyun who used to call him that way back then.

but it's okay for chanhee now, it's only changmin calling him that way. because ever since they became boyfriends, jaehyun just call chanhee by his name.

and that well, makes chanhee feel giddy every time. and right now, he's blushing obviously. god, he's so inlove with changmin.

❝chan..❞ changmin nudged him on his side. chanhee just hummed looking away from his boyfriend as he doesn't want to be teased because of his red cheeks.

but too late, changmin already chuckled seeing chanhee all flushed. he wrapped his arms around the older's waist as he leaned closer to chanhee to whisper something.

❝chanhee. i love you.❞

chanhee buried his face on his palms, trying his best not to squeal. he took a deep breath before he faced changmin, with a brow raised to hide the fact that he's completely not affected by what changmin said. his heart beating twice its pace, says the opposite tho.

❝i know, chang.❞ he contained his smile and went back to eating his pancakes on the plate, holding himself from laughing when he heard changmin frown.

❝chanhee.. that's not what you should say.❞ changmin pouted crossing his arms over his chest. while for the nth time, sipping on a carton of milk again.

chanhee giggled at his sulking boyfriend. ❝then what should i say?❞ he asked acting like he really doesn't know.

changmin faced chanhee giving him an "are-you-serious" look. nevertheless, he answered chanhee's question. ❝you should say "i love you too".❞

chanhee shook his head. ❝no.❞


❝i love you more.❞ chanhee winked at him and placed a kiss on his cheeks making changmin's turn to blush and ate pancakes again like he did nothing to make changmin flustered.

❝oh god. seriously? i feel like vomiting.❞ and to perfectly ruin chanhee and changmin's moment, jaehyun who was sitting across them with his boyfriend, younghoon, faked a gagged while looking at the two.

❝excuse me?❞ chanhee scoffed as he throw a napkin to jaehyun, that barely hit the older making chanhee frown. ❝you've done worse with younghoon, jaehyun.❞

chanhee smirked as he noticed younghoon who was just peacefully and silently eating a bread there beside jaehyun, turned red then choked on his bread.

jaehyun clicked his tounge immediately giving water to his boyfriend sending dagger like glares at chanhee which the younger just shrugged off.

but deep inside, he's worried for younghoon of course because he is chanhee's close friend. but although jaehyun is an asshole sometimes or most of the times, chanhee smiled to himself when jaehyun is being a responsible boyfriend of younghoon.

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