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I sat beside my friend, Fatima Atiku in Literature. Mr Martins was in front of the class talking about Wole Soyinka and his book: The Lion and the jewel. I'm sick of listening to Lakunle's talking. Are his words even in the dictionary?

Fatima glanced at me, "Penny, are you okay?" She asked and I nodded silently. I placed my head on the table and drummed my hands on it to Adekunle Gold's Ire. I can't wait for this class to be over. I feel sick.

When the bell had been rung. I closed my eyes. I couldn't close it well before our Maths teacher, Miss Ola entered the class. I stood up with the rest of my classmates to greet her.
"We will be treating trigonometry today!" She announced, making me groan beside my friend.

She faced the board and wrote:
I could remember in JSs3 our Maths teacher taught us the same thing and it was quite easy to understand so I listened throughout Maths class.


Fatima and I went to the tuck shop to buy snacks. I bought doughnut and coke while Fatima bought pure bliss biscuit, eggroll, doughnut and fanta. I must say, this girl likes food oh. In this her small stomach. Chai!
When we got back to class, Fatima sat beside me again. "So, what's up with you today?" She asked.
"Nothing much. It's just that I don't feel like learning anything today. It's one of those days jare. Don't mind me," I laughed, munching my doughnut.
"Lazy girl!" Fatima muttered. I just shrugged.
"It only happens when you have written too much notes in just one day and you feel like your hand will soon have a nervous breakdown." I said and Fatima started laughing.
"You're very funny oh. Your hand having nervous breakdown. I would love to see it happen!" I hit her head with my elbow.
"You're wicked!"
We both started talking about Zeeworld. It almost became a fight. Fatima and I. Even Tomi, the noisemaker in our class even joined.
"I swear I prefer Karan and Preeta's relationship to Mehek and whatever that guy's name is. Whether it is Shauriah oh or Shoriah, I don't care." Fatima argued.
Tomi sneered, "Ehn! Karan ke! The two of them combined cannot stand beside Mehek and her boo!" She looked like she was about to punch Fatima but knowing my friend since Jss1, I know Fatima will beat Tomi. Hands down!

I raised my hands, "Okay, okay, okay! See ehn, I don't care if Mehek is finer than Preeta. You can go prove that one to anyone who is interested. All I know is that Karan and Preeta's and every good person in This is fate and Twist of fate are my favorites in Zeeworld" I said and Fatima stuck her tongue out at Tomi.
"Did you hear her? Mehek ko! Shauriah ni!" She laughed.

Tomi just looked at us like we were from another planet and shook her head at us. "You guys don't know anything!" She hissed and went back to her seat. Fatima and I started laughing.
Ah, this girl. She will never understand. Nobody can replace my Karan and Preeta's except Married again. Hmm, I rest my case.

School ended later and I waited for my driver to come and pick me from school. I have a younger sister. Very annoying one, that is and we have this sweet hatred for each other ehn! She's going to my school but nobody knows because we don't talk and we don't go to school together or even go home together.

When I got home, Mummy was in her room so I hurried upstairs to my room. I locked the door and quickly undressed and took my bath with cold water. Chai! Coming back from school in the hot sun is not easy oh! I dressed in a short red gown and opened my laptop to watch Netflix.

The tiny bitch herself came to my room and entered without knocking. That girl lacks manners. "Priscilla, what do you want? Why are you in my room?" I asked in irritation. She just shrugged like we are mates.
"Mummy said She wants me to search in your room for any drawing book oh. So can I do what She aksked me to do in peace?" She asked rudely.

I wanted to beat the living daylight out of this idiot. Who does She think She is? Coming to my room without permission and talking to me like we just became mates yesterday. Mtchew!
"It's like you need a slap to help to rearrange that shapeless amoeba you call your head. Abeg, get out if my room before I close my eyes and open it again." I snapped.

This thing didn't bulge, "I said Mummy told me to check for drawing books in your room or do you have a hearing problem?" She asked and I did not hesitate to throw my high heeled black sandals at her. "Ouch!" I smiled as it hit her head.
"It is you that has hearing problem!" I hissed and stood up to close my door. These days it is good to have sense.

If anyone sees me with my sister and sees me with the Juniors in my school, you would not think I'm the same person because I treat my sister like She deserves. And She deserves to be treated like shit.

Dinner was boring like normal and I sat opposite Mummy on the dining. Throughout her long talk about work and politics with Daddy I didn't say anything and I immediately went to sleep after washing the plates myself. You might wonder where all the maids are in our mansion but my Mummy hates hearing horrible maid stories so She vowed to only have one. The woman who was her nanny as a child. She's old now anyways.

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