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"Daddy's sorry baby."

The sunlight peered into the room, covering Taehyung's angelic face as he clutched his bear tightly.

The oversized brown chocolate bear. The boy's enthusiasm for the bear was obsessive. He slept with him, ate with him, played with him. It lead to Jungkook calling the brown haired little, his baby bear.

His chocolate curls fanned over his face as the boy gradually stirred awake. He patted around for his caregiver but he wasn't there.

The little angel stood up with the bear in his arms as he stepped out the room. He slightly winced at the sudden coldness on his bare feet.

Hearing the familiar little thuds Jungkook sat up from his computer.

Taehyung placed his thumb in his mouth and looked around. He walked across the dining room before a set of strong arms pulled him up. The boy let out a little squeak and quickly wrapped his arms around the elder.

"Did my bear sleep well?" Jungkook kissed the little's forehead and gently bounced him in his arms as he walked towards the living room.

The boy cuddled against his chest and felt himself starting to doze off again.

Jungkook laid him down and retrieved a pacifier left on the coffee table.

Taehyung fell asleep with his occasional suckles on the glittery pacifier. The elder moved to get up before little hands grabbed onto his sleeve, whimpering slightly at the warmness leaving his side.

"Daddy's here okay." Jungkook whispered softly before pressing a kiss on Taehyung's eyelids causing the little boy to erupt into giggles.

"Wasn't my baby sleeping?" Taehyung's doe eyes stared back at Jungkook clutching the bear tighter, "No bearie is sleeping."

"Oh bearie should rest then." Taehyung nodded in agreement and sat up, placing the brown bear in his arms.

Jungkook stood up and held the boys hand as he lead him up to his bedroom.

"Daddy can we play?" Jungkook sighed and ruffled the brunettes curls.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but daddy is working on something right now." Taehyung nodded and looked down.

"It's o-okay." He didn't want him to see his teary eyes and instead played with his fingers.

"Thank you bun, if you get lonely just come in daddy's office okay." Taehyung nodded, watching as the elder left the room and his footsteps faded.

The boy sighed and sat down, a tear sliding on his porcelain skin. Frustrated he threw the bear on the ground and crawled in bed. Covering his tear stained face with the sheets and hiccuping quietly in sobs.

He felt so pathetic.

The brunette harshly wiped his tears and walked away. He didn't want to be alone.

"Daddy?" He stepped into his office, looking cautiously inside.

"Come in petal." Taehyung walked towards him and felt slightly relieved, hugging the elders waist.

Jungkook brought the little up into his lap, brushing his bangs away from his face. "Okay sweetheart?"

"Okay daddy."

He was okay, daddy was here.

The boy held onto the elder tighter, feeling the familiar scent of him. Jungkook simply rubbed his back and held the boy. It was more than enough for him.

A sudden voice took him out of thought. "Daddy I'm thirsty." Jungkook stared down at the baby bear peering up at him.

Tucking a piece of hair behind his ears the elder nodded. "I'll get it."

Before he could sit up the little got up from his lap and walked hurriedly into the kitchen.

The angel ran back into Jungkook's warm embrace with a juice box in his hand. He took the juice from Taehyung and opened it, placing the straw into the littles mouth.

He stayed pliant and quiet on Jungkook's lap, being the little angel he's always been.

"Daddy needs to get something alright, wait here bear." Taehyung nodded and pouted slightly at the feeling of the warmth's absence.

Taehyung placed his juice box on the desk and sat quietly. The elder wasn't back yet and Taehyung was starting to feel lonely.

The boy sat up and reached for his juice box accidentally knocking it over. The little panicked as the juice spilled over the laptop and onto the floor.

He grabbed the now empty juice box container and quickly ran out the room. He ran upstairs and crawled under his bed sheets immediately bursting into tears.

His daddy is going to hate him.

He panicked as he heard the door open and someone walk in. "Taehyung,"

The sobbing boy clutched onto the sheets harder, scared Jungkook was going to yell at him.

"Sweetheart please look at daddy." The elder watched the boy hiccup in tears and move farther away from him.

"Baby daddy isn't mad, come out sweetheart."

Jungkook sighed watching the boy stay on the corner of the bed.

"Daddy really wants to hold you Taehyung."

Slowly he tore the sheets of his head and looked at the elder. He cautiously stood up and walked towards him, staring with his glossy eyes.

Jungkook gently brought the boy down into his arms, holding the boy he'd do anything for. His golden curls had gotten messy and the ethereal boy couldn't look more gorgeous.

He tightened his hold on the little bear.

"Good boy."


hello to all my lovely followers 💕 I've recently made a new book called Love Alarm, please check it out! 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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