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"I want to be with daddy forever."

Taehyung slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. His face was slightly puffy as he got up and walked downstairs. "Daddy," Taehyung spoke muffled behind his pacifier.

Jungkook was getting paperwork done when he noticed the doe eyed baby. "Did my angel sleep well?"

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and hid his face in his chest, whimpering slightly.

Jungkook lifted him from his underarms and placed him on his lap, kissing his forehead as the boy relaxed in his arms.

As Jungkook continued working the little boy was awfully quiet, just staring up at his daddy and anywhere his eyes lead him to.

The little one would babble slightly from time to time, completely complied in his daddy's hold.

After a few minutes Jungkook placed the work away and moved the boy so he was sitting directly in front of him.

Jungkook gently ran his fingers through the almond hair and squeezed the boy tightly, resulting in a little squeak.

"My petal's so quiet today hm." Taehyung just stared back with his big doll eyes. 

"Excited daddy." Taehyung spoke softly.

This year would be Taehyung's first halloween and the little boy couldn't be more excited. Jungkook wanted to make it special for the boy considering it would be his first one.

Jungkook rubbed the boy's back and held him for a few minutes, kissing the crown of his head. Taehyung whined and sat up running upstairs to dress up.

A few minutes later the little boy came downstairs smiling softly as he walked in. "My little bat."

Jungkook kissed Taehyung's face around making him erupt into a fit of giggles.

The little one looked adorable, far too cute than an actual bat.

Taehyung walked to the table adorned with multiple decorations and reached out to a punch bowl, filled with a blood looking substance. "No baby not for you."

Jungkook gently lifted the boy and set him down on his hip, moving away from the table.

It wasn't long before people arrived, knocking on the door. Taehyung ran up to his room, still feeling slightly shy with people. Namjoon walked in and sat down as Jimin played around with all the decor. "Where's Taetae?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung was upstairs and got up from his under his covers. He sat up from his bed and adjusted his headband, blushing slightly as he walked downstairs.

"Oh my god, he's so cute." Namjoon cooed. Taehyung hid his face in Jungkook's chest as he sat down on his lap.

"Jiminie let's go to my room, Boo is there!" The littles ran upstairs as more people started arriving.

Hoseok soon joined them with a handful of candy. "Look guys I got them from the table!" The littles were completely immersed within themselves and having fun in Taehyung's room.

Taehyung's ghost stuffie Boo was in his arms as the littles jumped around the room. As they ran around Boo fell from Taehyung's arms and dropped onto the floor.

Taehyung gasped and looked around for the ghost, finding him under the bed. The little tried to grab the stuffie but it was out of his reach. He went further under the bed and managed to grab the ghost into his arms but he suddenly realized how dark it was. The little tried moving out from under the bed and whimpered as he found himself stuck.

Taehyung started panicking, he couldn't move and it was dark. It reminded him of when he was forced into his box and powered off. He remembered how scared he was, how alone he felt as days passed by and his daddy never came.

Taehyung started crying and thrashing out, his daddy had left him again. Taehyung's loud sobs startled the littles as they ran downstairs for help.

"Uncle Jungkook Taetae's crying!" Jungkook quickly stood up and followed the littles into Taehyung's bedroom.

Taehyung's loud sobs could be heard as Jungkook discarded the toys and stuffies from under the bed. "Daddy!" Taehyung cried out.

Jungkook gently pulled the little doll out, his face a bright red as tears stained his cheeks.

He pulled Taehyung into his arms, lifting him up and gently bouncing him in his hold. He rubbed his back trying to calm the little boy down.

"Shh daddy's here, he's right here sweetheart." Taehyung only cried harder, tears staining Jungkook's shirt. "You're okay little one, daddy's right here."

Eventually Taehyung's sobs died down, only little whimpers and sniffles could be heard from time to time. Jungkook wiped Taehyung's tears away with his thumb, looking at the doe eyed boy.

"Daddy loves you so much petal." He kissed Taehyung's forehead and walked the littles downstairs. Taehyung looked around relieved when he found Boo in Hobi's arms. The little ghost would be too scared to be left alone in the dark.

Taehyung didn't leave Jungkook's embrace the entire night which meant he couldn't eat anymore candy for the rest of the night but he didn't care, he was with his daddy.

He felt complied hearing his daddy's heartbeat as he laid on his chest.

Happy early Halloween everybody 💕🎃

DADDY'S DOLL•VKOOKHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin