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Living in Hateno Village was an amazing thing. It was peaceful all the time, everyone was so nice to one another, there really was nothing like it. I loved it there. 

But I wanted out. 

I'd spent my whole life there and while it was amazing, I wanted more out of life. I wanted excitement. I wanted adventure. I had been training ever since I was 13 and was one of the best swordswoman in all of Hyrule. And someone must have recognized my talent. 

Because one day everything changed.

I heard the beat of hooves on a path one sunny day and went out on the porch to investigate. 

What I saw astonished me. I saw four members of the Royal Guard entering the village. And what surprised me more, is that they stopped right in front of my house.

"Is there something I can help you with sirs?" I asked

"There is actually. Would you happen to be y/n l/n?"

A look of shock passed over my face before nodding, "That would be me."

"We need you to come with us."

My eyebrows furrowed and the guard must have noticed my confusion because he sighed and continued.

"The Royal Guard is short on members, and we have all heard tales of your great swordsmanship. So we have come to recruit you."

A million thoughts were going through my head. The main one being that I finally got to leave.

"You will be moving to the castle and train with the rest of the guard to protect the royal family."

My eyes widened. "Like, right now?"

"Yes lady y/n. You may go pack your things and we will be on our way shortly."

I nodded quickly and hurried inside. My parents looked at me questioningly from their respective places in the home, expecting me to explain what just happened on the front porch.

"I-uh, I've just been recruited to the Royal Guard." I stated. That fact hadn't settled in until it had come out of my mouth. 

"What?" My mother asked.

"I-I'm not really sure, I was just out on the porch and then all of a sudden there were four royal guards in front of the house telling me I have to go pack and go move into the castle."

"Well I guess you better get packing huh?" My dad said with a smile.

Reality sunk in and I was smiling ear to ear.

I'm getting out.

I rushed to my room and packed as much as I could before running back downstairs to my parents.

"I'll miss you guys so much." I hugged them tight and let a few tears fall.

"It's alright darling," My father said, "We knew you'd have to leave eventually.

I pulled away and opened the front door. I looked back one more time before shutting it and walking directly towards the guards. They brought an extra horse for me so I climbed on and we all set off towards hyrule castle, where my new life awaited me.


A/N: So theres the beginning! It's a little shorter than I would like and I promise to try and make the rest of them longer than this. I'll try and get another chapter out soon!😉

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