Challenge Four: Chariot Ride

Start from the beginning


I finally was making my way to the dining room. After a mishap where I didn't know how to control the water temperature, couldn't find an outfit to wear, and my hair wasn't cooperating with me, I was strolling through the cars with pen and journal in hand.

It was still fairly early, about 8:30 or so. That gave me enough time to sneak in a breakfast and scribble my thoughts on paper while everyone was still trying to wake up and get ready. Atlas shortly stumbled into the room, still humming his little tune. He sat down next to me and began to eat his breakfast as song lyrics filled my head.

We sat in silence, kinda. Atlas was chewing and I was mumbling my lyrics out loud to make sure they sounded right. Other than that, no one else made a noise.

Samual and Nerias walked into the room, almost right after each other, and they sat down opposite to us. They began to give us more tips.

"We are nearly at the Capitol. You both already have one of the weakest reputations with all of that crying and stumbling around like drunken idiots. When we enter the Capitol, we are going to roll up the shades and its your job to look aggressive yet sweet and approachable. Almost.. Two faced." Said Samual, waving his cane around to give emphasis to his words. Nerias nodded with him and kept quiet. Something was really bothering him but he wasn't going to tell us anytime soon.

"As for alliances, I wouldn't necessarily worry about that right now. They all turn on each other in the end.." Samual continued, eyes hazing over as he was about to cry.

"...Anyways! We're practically here! Your prep team and head stylist will meet you when we get off the train. Nerias and I will meet you all tonight after the event, we have a couple of things to do before we meet up with you. The stylist and preparatory team will prepare you for what I have been told as the Chariot Ride. You will be prepped for this event and thus will officially begin the Hunger Games." Samual concluded.

The men ate while I doodled, muttering words to make sure they're correct and not awkward sounding. Nerias stood up after wiping his mouth and he muttered to Samual, "It's time."

Samual stood up and hobbled after Nerias, closing the door behind him. The cleaners rushed in and cleaned the table up. Together, they changed the furniture until it looked like Atlas and I were casually sitting on the couch together. The people left and we were left alone for a split second, giving me enough time to close my journal and stash it under the couch.

The shades rolled up and I helped Atlas walk towards the window. A smile was plastered on his face and he waved slowly, as if he was waving to every individual. The girls took one look at Atlas and swooned. An unfamiliar feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I grasped his sleeve and tried to smile as big as he was, trying to ignore the overly excited girls. I waved along with him and pressed closer to him, getting defensive at heart.

The capitol was extremely excited as they saw our train arrive. They waved at us, some cheered, some booed, some were unamused, others had a fire in their eyes as they saw us walk down the steps. So it was true; people from the Capitol look like crazed animals with their short poofy skirts, ruffled dress shirts, bright colored wigs, and the most unattractive shoes I have ever seen. What kinda drug were these people tripping on?

Atlas and I stayed together as we waited for our prep team to arrive. They eventually did, after a bombardment of pictures and questions before hand. These people were relatively normal, except for their eccentric hair color choice. They introduced themselves simply as our prep team. They split into two teams and dragged Atlas away from me as we rushed into an unfamiliar building.

My "team" busied over themselves to get me cleaned and flawless from imperfections. They scrubbed my face and scalp until they were both sore and burning. Yes, burning.

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