Chapter 5

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- 3rd person P.O.V-

While Kirishima held y/n in his arms the heroes discussed what their next move would be.

Deku " It would probably let Mr. Aizawa and the other heroes we've captured her.."

Bakugou looks at the y/n with a curious yet confused face. " Damn how can an extra look so innocent looking but be so damn brutal at the same time?"

Kirishima takes notice and has a smirk on his face. " What's this the Great Explosion Murder giving someone a compliment?~"

Bakugou " Shut it shitty hair it wasn't a damn compliment! I'm just surprised someone her size was able to fight us off.."

Deku " Alright guys that's enough we need to head back before she wakes up."

Small time skip back to the base.

Y/n was placed in a small room with a bed unaware she was being watched by the heroes in the other room.

Y/n " Damn feels like I got hit by a damn train then a bus soon after..' Y/n looks around and see's there is no one else in the room with her.

Y/n " Huh either these heroes are really stupid leaving me alone here or they have something up their sleeves. Eh what the hell let's see what's behind door #2!" Y/n opens the door to see nothing but an empty hallway.

Y/n " I stand by my first statement these heroes really are dumb..." Y/n makes her way down the hallway and finds what she believes to be the exit.

Y/n opens the door but is suddenly wrapped up in a familiar white scarf.

Aizawa " Where do you think you're going hmm?"

Y/n looks up and grins. " Hey Eraserhead how's it going buddy?"

Aizawa narrows his eyes as he tightens his grip on her with his scarf.

Y/n " Eraserhead I didn't know you where the kinky type. Ya know you could of just asked me out to dinner first, I do have some class you know."

Aizawa " Tch.. Just shut up and stay still already would you."

Y/n " Damn your heroes are always so damn serious you all need to learn to let lose once and a while, especially you Eraser head."

Hawks then enters the room with a smirk on his face. " You know you gave us quite the trouble there. You know with you escaping, causing a disturbance in the city, helping a villain escape.... I can go on and on if you want?"

Y/n rolls her eyes. " Aww poor you given the slip by little ole me."

Hawks " You know that's quite the mouth you got on you kid..."

Y/n smirks " That's not all I got on me bird boy~'"

Hawks grins " Oh kid trust me I know and I wouldn't mind putting that to the test.."

Y/n has a slight blush and looks away. " You can't be serious bird brain. Look how about we all just forget about all this and we all go our separate yeah?"

Hawks shakes his head. " Sorry no can do. See you've been a naughty baby-bird and need to be punished."

Fatgum see's y/n's worried face and clears his throat. " I think that's enough Hawks, I'm sure she understands what she's done is wrong and won't try and escape again right?"

Y/n immediately nods " Y-yeah what he said!

Aizawa " Well that's good to hear, but don't think this changes anything kitty~"


Hey guys I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to post an update. Things have been a little hectic for me having two toddlers and all. I will defiantly be trying my best to post longer chapters more often. Thank you all for the patience and support and I hop you all enjoyed this chapter ^-^.

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