Chapter 2

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

(Y/N) Now that I've gotten rid of him now's my chance to make a run for it. As Y/N moved her arms around she was finally able to break loose from the ropes and move around. (Y/N) Let's see obviously can't go out the door since I'm pretty sure one of the three is guarding the door. She looks up then lets a smirk creep on her face finding her escape exit. (Y/N) Perfect.....

As Y/N tries to plan her escape the three pro heroes outside try and plan their next move. (Aizawa) So what now? We know she has important information regarding the LOV, the question is how do we get her to talk. (Fatgum) Well I offered her some food since it look like she hadn't eaten in a while.

In hearing this Hawks becomes worried and walks into the room where Y/N was held. Walking in Hawks notices the empty chair, and a empty room. (Hawks) How the hell was she able to escape?!? Looking up he then notices the open window. (Hawks) Sweat dropping of course why am I not surprised.....

Hawks goes back to the other room to inform the other two of what happened. (Hawks) Hey guys we have a problem. Aizawa looks up with a annoyed look on face. (Aizawa) Not now Hawks can't you see we're trying to come up with a plan to get her to talk. (Hawks) Yea.... about that. Before Hawks can finish his sentence he is interrupted by Fatgum.

(Fatgum) I'm back guys and look I brought snacks!! (Aizawa) Is that all you can think about. (Fatgum) Hey it's not healthy to work on an empty stomach. Besides it helps me with my quirk so a double win for me. Hawks again tries to get their attention but has no luck. (Fatgum) Well I better get back in the room and give this to her so she can eat and, we can get the information we need.

Fatgum then enters the room and notices it's empty. Running back he tells Eraserhead what he's discovered. (Fatgum) She's gone! Eraserhead looks up from the computer with a shocked face. (Aizawa) What did you say!?! (Fatgum) I said she's gone. Somehow she managed to escape without us noticing.

Hawks looks at Aizawa with a smirk on his face. (Hawks) I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen.. (Aizawa) Now isn't the time to be joking around Hawks. If she managed to escape there's no telling where she could have run off too. Fatgum steps in between the two trying to calm both men down.

(Fatgum) Now isn't the time to fighting each other! Listen now that we know she's gone we should let the other pro heroes know. If they happen to find her we tell them not to confront her due to the type of quirk she has.

Aizawa lets out an exhausted sigh. (Aizawa) Not like we have much of a choice. Alright Hawks go inform the other agencies Fatgum and I will begin to search the nearby areas. (Fatgum) Understood. (Hawks) You got it boss. (Aizawa) For the last time I'm not your... you know what never mind just do what I told you. Hawks walks out the building and flies off. Fatgum and Aizawa begin their search.

-Y/N's P.O.V-

That was easier than I thought it would be I'm actually kind of disappointed. While Y/N walks around trying to find a safe place to call it a night, she is suddenly stopped by a large explosion. Hmm I wonder what's going on here? Y/N walks towards the noise and notices a man who looks about her age with black hair and purple scars. Hmm he's kinda cute, I guess I could help him out a bit.

*Authors note*

Hey guys I know this is a short chapter but I promise there is more to come. Thanks again for all the supports I'll my best not to disappoint ^_^

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