Chapter 4

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- 3rd person P.O.V-

As the heroes look at the unconscious girl in Kirishimas arm they begin to wonder how 1 person can cause so much mayhem.

" So what do we do with her know" Kirishima asks.

" Well obviously we turn her in shitty hair" Bakugou yells at the poor shark boy.

Deku starts to mumble bout the girls powerful quirk in which the others take notice.

" Deku you're mumbling again" Todoroki states.

" Ah sorry about that I'm just wondering how she was able to physically control all three of us at the same time without having to physically touch us.."

" Maybe she has some sort of blood manipulation quirk" Todoroki states looking at the green haired hero.

" Maybe your right. Regardless we need to take her to Mr. Aizawa and let them handle it from there."

Todoroki looks at Deku and nods his head in agreement.

Annoyed Bakugou looks at both heroes and begins to yell. " Are you kidding me!? "

" Wait why are you mad??" The red head asks his best friend

" I'm not mad you dumbass. I'm just saying we did all the hard work to catch this girl and we're just going to hand her over to the others like it's nothing."

" Look Kachaan I know you're upset but Hawks did say they were looking for this person and if she was spotted to turn her in immediately."

Bakugou annoyed clicks his tongue " Whatever you damn nerd let's just get this over with already"

Time skip to the heroes base

Kirishima places the girl down gently (You know because he is such a sweet and manly person)

" You know now that I get a better look at her she's actually pretty, and after that fight we had she pretty tough kinda like a pebble.." Kirishima thinks out loud.

"Why the hell would she be a pebble she's more like a teddy bear" Bakugou tells the red head.

" A teddy bear?" Kirishima looks at the blond in confusion.

" Well yea I mean she looks harmless but can be mean like a bear.."

" Aww is someone getting a crush on our little villain" Kirishima says in a teasing tone.

" What HELL no what is wrong with you shitty hair!?! I don't have time for that kid pf stuff."

Kirishima looks at Bakugou with a teasing smirk " Yea yeah whatever you say"

The door is suddenly opened. All 4 heroes look to see who it could be.

In walks in Eraserhead, Hawks, and Fatgum.

Aizawa looks at his former students and thanks them. " Thanks again for bringing her in."

" No problem Mr. Aizawa but, question how did she manage to escape all three of you?" The greenete asks his former teacher.

"Well she was restrained until a certain someone left her alone, giving her the chance to escape." He says looking at a certain someone.

" Hey she said she was hungry and I just couldn't let starve" Fatgum tries defending himself.

"Does it really matter how she escaped? The important thing is that we got her back and she won't be able to leave this time" Hawks butts in.

The three older heroes walk Deku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugou out while y/n lays on the bed unconscious. Or so they thought.....

After they all leave y/n gets up and looks around the room.

_-Y/N's P.O.V-

As I get up I look around the room and realize no one is around.

"Seriously how dumb can these heroes be? Oh well time to get out of this place and work on a new plan"

As y/n walks to the exit she is suddenly wrapped up on a grey scarf.

" Gahh what the hell?" As I look down I notice my body is wrapped up in a grey scarf. I then hear a gruff voice behind me.

" Where do you think you're going?" Eraserhead asks.

"Well no where now thanks to you" Thinking to my self "I wonder if this man can get easily flustered.."

" Well aren't we a kinky one" I suddenly feel the scarf tighten making me gasp.

" Alright alright I get it damn, you don't have to be so rough!"

" Aww what's the matter the big bad criminal can't take a little punishment?'

Great the birdbrain is here too....

" Damn didn't know the hero association lets bird brains become heroes. Man they really have lowered their standards haven't they"

" You know kid that's quite the mouth you got on you. Someone outta teach you some manners"

Eraserhead butts in " Alright that's enough from the both of you. Hawks stop instigating and act like a professional."

" Whatever you say boss. Oh and kid this isn't over yet" Hawks says before walking to the other side of the room.

- 3rd Person P.O.V-

Y/n is then placed in a chair having her hands tied behind her back. She is suddenly met with food in her face.

" What the hell is this?" She asks

" It's food. You said you where hungry so I went ahead and got you dome food. Names Fatgum by the way though i'm sure you already knew that huh."

Y/n stares at Fatgum with a deadpanned look.

" You know it would be kind of hard to eat with my hand tied up."

With a slight blush if embarrassment Fatgum replies "Oh yea sorry about that, but you did bring this on yourself you know. Just tell us what we need to know and maybe we can work something out and maybe help you get out of this life style"

Y/n clicks her tongue " Tch and who said I needed any help I'm completely fine on my own."

Fatgum looks at the woman in pity.

"And don't you dare look at me with pity. I don't need it from any of you" Y/n says with a cold and stern voice.

" This is going to be a long night isn't it" Aizawa says with a sigh.

-Authors note-

Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't posted a chapter up until now! Things have been pretty this month and with two toddlers it doesn't male it any easier. Still that is no excuse I will try my hardest to pot more frequently on here and get more chapters out to you guys. Also over 400 Reads!!!! I can't believe it. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this not so good book it really means a lot to me. Anyways thanks again guys and see you in the next chapter ^_^

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