"Dripping wet." He chuckled, cocking an eye brow at me, still not taking the towel.

"Grow up." I laughed throwing the towel at him. "Dry off before you sit on anything. Giusy and Betty will kill you if you get things wet."

"Thanks mom." He smirked, his eyes lit up like a mischievous child. Before I could think, he reached forward and grabbed me, pulling me towards him. My face was sandwiched against his chest, the towel wrapped around the both of us and he held me flush to his body.

"Gross, now I have to go change too." I mumbled, unamused with his shenanigans. He didn't care. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Let's go change before Charlotte or your sister come to parent us." He laughed, pulling me towards my room.


"Lucy you have a visitor!!!!" Nacho yelled, interrupting me as I slowly dozed off to sleep on Emmett's shoulder as we sat on my bed watching the Georgia Tech v. Oklahoma State game.

"Visitor? Hmmm...." Emmett laughed, glancing down at me, an amused smile on his face. I chose to ignore both of them and snuggle farther into the warmth of the blanket around me.

"Luz!!!! Don't make me let the wolf into the house! Nico will kill you." Nacho yelled, making sure everyone could clearly hear him.

"No wolves inside the house!" Nico yelled from upstairs. He was entertaining his daughter so Emmett and I could have some time to ourselves and relax.

"Wolf?! You have wolf friends?" Emmett questioned, moving to look at me more clearly after fully processing my brother's words.

"What did you expect Em? Paul Lahote is literally sitting in my backyard." I chuckled, gagging his reaction. Lots of vamps don't like the wolves and I understand why, but they were harmless, much more harmless than the vampires. He didn't say anything in response, just looked at me and grumbled incoherently to himself.

With that attitude, I stood up and made my way to the backyard where I assumed I could find whichever wolf was waiting for me. It was either going to be Sam trying to drag Paul back to the reservation, or Embry with who knows what.

"Knight!" The all too familiar voice of Embry Call cheered as I walked out onto the porch. He was standing in the middle of our yard, Nacho looking at him like he was trying to figure him out and Nicola staring from the top floor window.

"Hey Kid! What's up?" I greeted, stepping down to stand in the backyard with him.

"Well two things. One, we have two new wolves, Seth and Lia Clearwater. Lia is soooooo annoying. She is extremely cranky constantly. And two, Sam sent me to come get Paul." He explained, smiling at me. He just always seemed like a happy kid, I feel bad that he got dragged into this secretive world so young.

"Okay. Do you need my help with anything?"

"Actually yeah.... I was wondering if you could help me get Paul home...." Embry shyly stated. "He isn't budging and I don't know what to do."

"Of course, but I'm not sure how easy this is going to be. He looks like a heart broken puppy." I chuckled to myself, gesturing to the slumped over figure by the tree.

"Ugh... please do me a favor?" Embry said, looking at me with big eyes as we walked up to his pack mate.


"Never let me imprint. I don't want to be a love sick puppy." He said, a very serious expression gracing his features. He meant what he was saying. "It always seems to end up in chaos. I don't want love if all the chaos has to go along with it."

The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now