She was the most beautiful person I've ever met but she had this aura around her that makes you want to just hug her. That's why I held her hand like I did. I can't seem to turn my back to people like that. She came off a bit cold because of how she acted when the girls were drinking but I saw how much she cared about them. Especially when Seyeon threw up.

"Your keys," Yumi handed them to me before getting up.

It was my turn to grab her arm.

"Wait," I said.

She looked at me. Her eyes were cold now. Expressionless.

I swallowed down the uneasiness I was getting from this. Was I being too nosy? I don't want to pry but I can't exactly leave her like this too. Especially since this girl means a lot to Jimin and his members.

Holding up my grocery bags, I said to her, "Have dinner with me."

Yumi stared.

I forced a smile, "You... look like you could use some company."

Yumi shook her head slowly. "I don't want company."

I sighed, "Please? It gets lonely when I eat alone."


Miyoung wasn't a good cook but she wasn't bad either. However, seeing that she was struggling with me sitting here watching her, I decided to help her. With two people, we were able to finish quickly and eat.

She was trying so hard to keep the mood bright. I could see why Jimin likes to go to her and keep her all to himself. Just having Miyoung around can calm you because she had that kind of presence. It was reassuring.

It bothered me that she saw me cry. The first and last person to see me cry like that was my mother.

"You can stay here tonight if you want," Miyoung offered in a quiet voice as she wiped her hands with a towel. "I don't mind."

"What makes you think I want to stay?" I asked. I winced, immediately regretting how sharp that came out. It didn't bother her one bit though.

"Well, I can tell you didn't want to go back home," she said with a smile. "I don't mind, really."

"I can't intrude your life like this," I told her, thankful that my tone was soft. "You're a student, aren't you?"

Miyoung nodded. "I'm doing my Masters."

I nodded at that. "Well, work hard. I'm going to leave now."

I could see the hesitation and worry in her eyes as she watched me turn to go. It made me wonder if she also has something to talk about.


I stopped at the door.

"You can... come here if you want," Miyoung said. "I mean, my place is small and a little dirty but... I don't mind."

I looked over my shoulder at her.

"You said before that you have nowhere to go, right?" she smiled brightly. "Well, I can't do much for you but you can always come here."

My heart melted at the sincerity in her eyes. If I'd met someone like Miyoung back in high school... I'm sure I would have turned out better.

I smiled. Really smiled. "And... if you need anything, I'm here for you too."



"Are you busy?" It was Miyoung.

Jimin's eyes didn't leave the female soloist who passed by him with a smile on her lips. She radiates elegance and her beauty was on a different level. He was drawn to her.

"No," he said. "Did you need something?"

"Um, I'm not sure if I should tell you this but..."

Jimin became slightly annoyed at the hesitance in her tone. "Tell me."

Miyoung hesitated before finally saying, "I met Yumi outside before. She seemed... sad."

That got his attention.


"Yeah," she said, "You might want to check up on her or get someone to. I tried to get her to stay at my place but she didn't want to."

Jimin laughed, humourlessly at that. "Well, this is Yumi we're talking about. She won't take anyone's hand."

"I figured," Miyoung murmured. "Anyways, that's all. I'm going to sleep now so bye."



Jimin's eyes went to where the girl had gone and cleared his throat, "Can we... meet later tonight?"

"Tonight? It's almost midnight."

He chuckled, leaning against the wall, "So?"

Miyoung let out a sigh, "Alright. If I'm asleep then just let yourself in."

They hung up.

Jimin rubbed a hand over his chest, unable to stop his heart from beating. Why was it beating so much? 

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