I wave at her then head on over to see her. She pulls me into a big hug, that I knew I had needed for some time now. The smell of Channel Number 9 comes wafting in my nose as she hugs me tight.

• ❤︎ •

"Oh aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Let's get you on home. Then we can have some lunch. Are you famished by now? You look like you are wasting away to nothing" Grandma mentions as she pulls me back to look at me.

"Sorry Mom is on a diet. So everyone in the house is to" I giggle.

"She better be eating more than the bird's food. I swear I do not know what I am going to do with that Mother of yours. Let's go find your luggage. I bet you packed everything but the kitchen sink" she laughs as we make our way to the convey belt to find my things.

Soon we find my suit cases. I had more books packed for summer reading in there then I did summer clothing for my wardrobe. I was not worried about finding Mr. Right during my summer trip.

Most girls did. This girl could care less. Romance was a waste of time. You only break up later on down the line. Forever never lasted. My parents proved that theory to me.

"What sounds good for dinner? Burgers on the grill? Hot dogs with the works?" Grandma wants to know. Her mouthwatering burgers did sound heavenly about now after eating rabbit's food at my Mothers for months.

"All of the above" I agree with her as she helps me carry my things. We head outside to the parking lot. The day was bright and sunny. As if to say "Welcome back Sydney!"

"Wow I forgot how hot it can get down here Grandma" I laugh as we head to her old car.

• ❤︎ •

She had a classic 1954 mint green Cadillac classic. She had it for years. It had been Grandpa's baby. He had always wanted one back when Elvis had given the famous classic pink one to his Mother when they were new. This one was in perfect condition to.

Grandma helped me place my things in the back seat of the Caddy. Then I hopped into the front with her. She rolled down the windows of the car.

If my memory served me right this beauty of a car only had classic oldies stations coming in on it. Sure enough "Maybe Baby" by Buddy Holly was crooning on the radio when she starts up the car.

"Old Rigsby wanted to come see you here when I picked you up. But it was far too hot of a day to leave him in the car by himself. So he will have to wait until we get home" Grandma mentions her nine year old poodle name Rigsby.

Grandpa had gotten him for her nine years ago for her birthday one year. Rigsby only loved two people on this earth. One was Grandma. The other was me. He never cared for Grandpa, my Dad or my Mom either.

"I cannot wait to see him either" I giggle as we head on the high way.

"It sure will be nice to have some company here with me all summer long" Grandma tells me.

"Yes I needed a change to. I have been doing a lot of thinking Grandma" I tell her in a serious tone.

"About what?" wonders Grandma.

"About my life. What to do with it. Not real sure I want to go to college yet. Dad wants me to. Mom does not care because she is doing well and did not go to college. They can be confusing when they talk to me about life changes. I have been thinking of well, of moving" I manage to say before I lost the nerve to say it.

"Move?! Where do you want to move to? Family is important. They may not be what you want at the moment but there will be a time in your life when you find they are what you need in your life" Grandma reminds me as we drive.

Finn [Merman]Where stories live. Discover now