chapter ten

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i woke up, got dressed, grabbed a pancake, and ran out the door. i was meeting with the boys and kiara again, only thing is i didn't know what would happen between me and jj. kiara came by my house last night and i explained everything to her, well not everything, i just explained that he told me we shouldn't be as close of friends and now i'm uncomfortable around him.

we met at the boat dock that john b said to go to, but only sarah and kiara were there. they're werent arguing which is a good sign, but they weren't facing each other either.

"uh hey what's going on," i asked.

"john b set us up," kiara explained.

HONK "hey ladies,"john b shouted from the van, "were not letting you go anywhere, either get on that boat and have a good time or we'll throw you on there."

"yeah and we don't wanna do that, do we jj?" pope asked looking back at jj. i quickly glanced up at him and felt my heart sink.

kiara must've noticed. she quickly said, "fine we'll play your stupid mind games, but if we don't have a good time we're blaming you." she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the boat.

once john b saw that we had gotten onto the boat and taken off, he started the van back up and drove away. 'buckle up boys, we're gonna have some fun,' john b said.

"where are we going?" pope asked

"oh you know, bowling, swimming, arcade, food, full day of fun. hey you good back there jj?" john b said looking into the mirror at jj.

"yeah yeah fine," he muttered.

"what's wrong?" pope was genuinely concerned. jj always acted fine even when he wasn't. him and john b knew if he was acting like this something must've been bad.

"my.. my old man hit me again," he said.

"oh dude i'm sorry," john b replied

"no it's not even that. it's just.. i could always talk to y/n about it but i can't," he explained.

"what do you mean 'cant'?" pope raised an eyebrow.

"i mean i can't keep putting all this stuff on her. i know it scares her when i talk about all the things he's done to me."

"she's a tough girl, she can handle in," john b replied.

"yeah you know y/n, she's grew up with a pretty tough life too. she can handle more then you think," pope joined in.

"it's just the other day.. she ran off because of me. i think i made her cry and everything," jj said ashamed. pope and john b looked at each other, "what is it guys?" jj asked.

"did she cry over your bruises or did she cry over YOU?" john b asked

"what are you talking about?"

"did she cry cause she's scared of you, or did you say something to her?" pope asked.
"all i told her was we couldn't hangout as much or be as close anymore," jj paused, "oh crap i made her cry." john b and pope both made the "i told you so" face, but didn't say i told you so.

"bros, we needa turn around, i gotta go explain,' jj exclaimed.

"you're on it boss," john b spun the car around.

tension//JJ OuterbanksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant