Chapter 2

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During the ride to Ross's place, Jenny's fingers twitched nervously. What had she gotten herself into? Beside her, Ross glowered. What had crawled up his ass and died there? She would've tried running away, but Ross held on to her hand tight. Is he planning to murder me in his basement? It was Halloween; horrific shit happened.

Before she could beg the Lyft driver for help, the car stopped and Ross swiftly got out of the car, dragging her with him.

"You live in a house?" she squeaked, looking up at a 3-story house.

"Yes," he said, matter of fact. "High school graduation gift from my uncle."

Jenny's uncle had given her a red envelope with 10 bucks in it. "Do you have roommates?"

What it would be like to be so wealthy, she thought, a touch enviously. She had been squatting in the library while Ross had a mini-mansion to himself.

"Come on," he said, yanking her into the house. "Do you want to take a shower?"

A shower did sound nice. But was he planning to stab her when she was naked and vulnerable, Psycho style? At a moment like this, she wished she carried around some pepper spray. "Yeah, that sounds great," she said, forcing herself to sound nonchalant.

"Let me get you a towel and some clothes." He pulled her into what seemed to be his bedroom. It was bigger than a lot of apartments, and there were movie posters on the walls. Harold and Maude, Citizen Kane, The Godfather...and Psycho.

He handed her the softest towel she'd ever touched, a silk shirt that would look more like a dress on her, and pants that were way too long for her short legs.

"Thanks," she mumbled before ducking into the bathroom and discovering with relief that there was a lock on the door. She quickly locked it, then marveled at the size of the bathroom. It was as large as a dorm room with a big white tub in the corner. She whistled when she saw the fancy bath bombs and soaps. With a smile, she turned on the water and picked a rose-scented bath bomb. Why not treat herself to a bubble bath? She wasn't going to get another chance like this anytime soon.

A sigh left her lips as she lowered her bare body into the bubbles. It was heavenly. So much better than the shower stalls at the gym.

Half an hour later, she reluctantly got out of the bath, biting her lip when she thought about facing Ross again. She slowly put on his shirt and pants, rolling up the cuffs of the pants till she could see her feet. After procrastinating as much as she could, she opened the door. Ross immediately grabbed her hand. He had changed into a t-shirt and sweats. Looking at her like he wanted to devour her, he sniffed her hair. "Did you use the rose bath bomb?"

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have—"

"Relax, that wasn't an accusation." He grinned at her, wrapping a few strands of her hair around his finger. "You look cute in my clothes."

Her heart skipped a beat. Okay, Ross was attracted to her. She should've guessed that when he had put her on his lap in the dining hall. "Ross..."

He hugged her, leaving her tongue-tied. Her heartbeat kicked into overdrive. As dumb as it sounded, she didn't really know how she felt about him. 5 minutes ago, she'd thought he could be a serial killer. And he was kind of a jerk. But he was also helping her out and she would be a filthy liar if she said she didn't find him good-looking.

"Jenny," he said, cupping her cheek. Then his lips fell on hers. She gave a quiet groan as he placed a hand in her hair. He was a good kisser, probably—no, definitely—the best kisser she'd ever encountered.

Her face was flushed when his lips left hers. She shot the bed a nervous glance. Did he want to sleep with her? Sex in exchange for shelter? She cleared her throat. "I should go to sleep. I'll crash on the couch—"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. Sleep on my bed. I'll take the couch."

"I can't let you—"

A smile broke out on his face. "Then we'll both sleep on the bed. It's big enough for the two of us."

Understatement. His bed was like a mega emperor-size monstrosity. "I don't know..."

"We're just going to sleep. Promise." Then he whispered into her ear, "Unless you want to do more than that."

"Um, I'm fine with just sleeping." She rushed toward the bed, her face red. She lay on the comforter, an inch from the edge of the mattress.

"Do you want to fall off the bed?" He lay in the middle of the bed, then pulled her to him.

Her body was so close to his, too close. He kept an arm around her waist, and his chest touched her back. You know, this isn't a twin bed. You don't have to lie so freaking close to me. However, the words were stuck in her throat.

"Good night, Jenny."

She closed her eyes, willing her heartbeat to slow down to a normal pace. "Good night, Ross."

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