Chapter 2

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This chapter brought to you by nice comments and My little's good background noise okay?! QwQ Annnnnnyway I hope you all enjoy my semi-descent writing! Oh and before I forget I just wanna say that I am NOT good at ending chapters, and this is a mix of Bakugo's POV and 3rd person POV (AKA no one's POV), that's all bye!


     Everyone but Bakugo were talking and laughing with each other as they walked the short way to UA. "Tch..." was Bakugo's only response to all the chatter coming from his friends or as they call them self's 'The Bakusquad'. 

      "What do you think Bakubro?" Kirishima asked out of the blue.

    "And you think I was paying any attention to what you all where talking about?!" Bakugo half yelled half questioned to cover up the fact that he couldn't a word they had been saying since they all where walking behind him plus the fact his quirk is making him go slowly deaf the more he uses it.

     "Oh...heh I guess not. Never mind then" Kirishima said a bit nervously because he doesn't want to have Bakugo blowing something up or hurting someone before they even got to school.

     "Tch, whatever shitty hair." Was all Bakugo replied with surprisingly. Sero and Mina gave questioning looks to Bakugo when he was looking away or not paying attention, which was almost all the time. "We're here" Bakugo grumbled as they walked through the front gates that led to the school called UA.

     "Oh, I hadn't realized, guess we lost track of time walking here." Sero said half to himself half to the others. Bakugo only rolled his eyes in response to this.

     "Come on guys, Bakugo is getting farther ahead of us, and I would prefer to be by him in case he runs into Izuku and blows up the school or something." Kirishima said as he started to speed walk to catch up to Bakugo. The others just nodded and started to speed walk as well. "BAKUBRO WAIT UP!" Kirishima yelled realizing how far ahead Bakugo was.

     "Whatever" Bakugo muttered to himself as he slowed his pace to a stop waiting for Kirishima to catch up to him. 

     "Thanks for waiting Bakubro!" Kirishima said as he put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. As Kirishima did this Bakugo jumped a bit because he didn't realize Kirishima was that close to him, plus the sudden contact.

     "Yeah...sure, whatever..." Bakugo mumbled as he pushed Kirishima's hand off hand off his shoulder and started walking inside of the big school in-front of them.


Okay, that's where I'm ending it for this chapter. I hope y'all like it! It took me a whole day to make this chapter. The next one will be longer, I swear!

Have a wonderful day/night you wonderful people! Bye~!


Problems (Deaf Bakugo x Kirishima)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang