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I wake up before Tony and think about how to wake him up. We slept naked so I decide to wake him up in a way he'd like. I move down and lick the tip of his dick. I close my mouth around him and start to move my head up and down his shaft.
"Mmm. Good morning mamas," he moans. He pulls my hair. I move away straight away.
"Right, now that you're up, let's get breakfast."
"Ugh, you're such a tease. It's fine, I'll punish you for it later," he winks.

We get dressed and go to breakfast. As soon as we walk in, the gang is all over us.
"Sounds like my little bro, Antonio Levi Lopez got some last night," Ondreaz says.
"What the fuck, Tony! One day and you've already fucked my sister!" Thomas exclaims.
"Sorry, Tom. 16 is fair game ;)" he smirks.
I chuckle. "No guys, nothing happened."
"Yeah of course, screaming Faster Daddy! is nothing," Tayler teases.
Mia says, "unfortunately your room has the thinnest walls, sweetie."
"Stfu! When will Charli and Quinton be here?" I ask changing the subject.
"Soon," Thomas says knowingly.


Charli, Luna already got some
Avani 💛
How do you guys know?
I think the "Faster Daddy!" speaks for itself

OMG guys, he just gave me brain it was nothing.

"nothing" After school, we need to have a tea sesh and you tell us if he blew your mind.

Why aren't Daisy and Mia on here?

Daisy's a bitch and Mia's like the mom of the house.

Oh okay, talk later x

I get dressed into a pair of high waisted jeans, a black bandeau, a gold choker with a heart charm and my AF1s. I check my socials and I already have 600K on insta, 900K on TikTok with a verification, 300K subscribers on YouTube and I'm already a snap celebrity. These kids must be really famous if I've got that for a few posts with them. While I wait for Charli and Quinton, I choreograph a TikTok dance to a song by pop smoke and then film a Q&A YouTube video to explain why I'm in the hype house now.

Just after I've posted on my YouTube, Charli and Quinton walk into my room.
"Oh, hello. You must be Luna Petrou," he gives me something TikTok people refer to as 'the look'.
"Hi, I must say I expected you to be much scrappier, but I guess you're more than your muscle-showing tank tops. By the way, thought the look was Kio's thing," I say.
"You caught me. I like what I see," he says dragging his eyes over my body.

Quinton's POV:
I can't say I expected a Petrou to be this pretty or have this much personality. I drag my eyes over her golden brown skin and find her soul searching hazel eyes. She has a perfect body, curvaceous and skinny. I imagine her full lips closing around me as I pull her medium length curly black hair and I get hard. I need to get closer to her to find out more, find out what secrets she holds behind that wry smile.

"Mhm, I'm still here! Stop eye fucking and let's get on with it," Charli says.
"That's not- I-," Luna says.
I chuckle, "Let's just work, okay."

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