Chapter 1 (Y/n)

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Darkness. Everywhere. You felt as if you were floating, unable to see yourself in front of you. It was so numbing. So lonely. As if everything had swallowed you whole, and you were no longer living. You didn't even own your own body. It was just... silent. No walls. No floor or air or anything. Just endless darkness, and now, you were apart of it.

Or at least that's how all your 'dreams' went until you woke up.

The sun beams began to blind your eyes until they slowly opened. You starred at the window until your eyes hurt from the light, so you flipped over to your other side. There, was your night stand, with the lamp you forgot to turn off. Groaning, you reached over, flicking it off. From under you, you heard a buzz, so you checked your phone in irritation.

It was a message from Bakugo.

Message from: Dip shit >:)

"Are you up yet?"

A small grin lifted on your lips as you typed. "I am now, thanks."


He drove you up the wall sometimes. But still, you couldn't help but break your annoyed expression with a smile. You answered. "Fuck you."

"Wanna go on call later?" he merely ignored. "You know, after you get back into town."

"Sure," you shrugged to your phone. And with that, you shut it off, ready to start the day in a good mood.

Throwing the blankets off, you dressed quickly in your usual attire, heading for the door. You walked into the kitchen, to see your mother already crying as she grabbed you into a tight hug. You heard your spine crack a little.

"Oh (y/n)," she sobbed into your shoulder, "I can't believe your finally going to your dream high school! It seemed only yesterday since you first earned your quirk!"

You nodded along, patting her back as you had no other ideas on how to comfort her. "Mhm."

You let her sob into your shoulder for a bit as she continued. "Now I hope your all packed for the flight, the movers said-"

"I already have my things shipped I know," you finished her sentence, grabbing a piece of toast and jamming it into the toaster. As it popped up, you spread your usual toppings on it, shoving it into your mouth. "But I'm really going to be late Ma!"

She wiped her tears as she stared at you with a blank face. "That's all your eating?"

"I'll be fine until I get to the airport." And with that, you kissed her off and said your goodbyes, which lead to even more tears soaking up your shirt.

"Now sweetie," she smiled to you, "if you ever need someone to call, I always have my cell, okay? Please be safe."

"Thanks Ma," you softened. "Love you."

Your mother watched as you jumped into the cab out side your door. "I love you too."


The trip on the plane wasn't long, as you spent two full hours of messaging Bakugo and watching odd documentaries about birds and All Might. Your heart was racing; you spent weeks geeking out over living with Bakugo and his parents, and going to UA High. It felt like the years of messaging your old friend faded away, and finally you were going to see him again since you were children.

Memories of you, Bakugo and Deku pretending to be pirates in a sand box made you smile as you walked through the last bit of security and waited for your next cab. Laughing to yourself, you were reminded of the times you guys would guess what your quirks would be, and geek about All Might. It was when Bakugo first got his quirk, that you and Deku grew closer when Bakugo wasn't around, because you both were assumed to be quirkless.

Twisted {(Villain Deku x reader) vs (Bakugo x reader)} BHNA fanficWhere stories live. Discover now