Fighting once Again

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She just finished the tests, agent 8 and cap'n cuttlefish were about to go to the promised land.

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> Promised land here we go!

*Tar Tar puts together the thangs

<Tar Tar> Come on in, don't be shy!

*they entered the complete thang

<Marina> Wait, isn't that a...

<Pearl> A BLENDER!!!

<Agent 8 (in her mind)> Wait... what did she said!?

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> HELP USSSSS!!!!!!

<Marina> I can't hack into it, you'll have to break out!

*Agent 3 falls from the ceiling and break the blender

*Agent 3 is unconscious

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> Agent 3... IS THAT YOU!!!

<Marina> Is that the guy you were looking for?

<Agent 8 (in her mind)> He... he saved my life!!!

<Pearl> What's that in his hand?

<Marina> That's the employee version of the CQ-80! But how?

<Marina> I think I can hack into it, gimme a sec...

<Agent 8 (in her mind)> That's called stealing Marina...

<Marina> Voila! I found a map of the facilities above, maybe you and agent 8 can reach it?

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> I'll stay here until 3's awake, you go ahead!

*Agent 8 nodded and super-jumped to the hole that agent 3 made in the ceiling 

*Agent 8 passed all the phases until she got to an elevator 

<Pearl> An elevator!

<Marina> Cap'n Cuttlefish and Agent 3's signals are close

<Pearl> Maybe they already made it to the surface!

* Agent 8 went to the elevator and it started moving upwards

<Marina> The helicopter, do you think we'll need it?

<Pearl> I dunno, but bring it just in case 

*The elevator stopped

<Marina> The elevator...

<Pearl> It stopped!

*An UFO started getting closer to 8

<Marina> Who's that, up on the UFO!?

<Pearl> That's Agent 3 but...

<Cap'n Cuttlefish (upside-down)> Agent 8, HELP MEEEE!, AGENT 3's MIND WAS HIJACKED BY THAT CRAZY PHONE

*Dedf1sh started playing "Splattack! (octo)" in  conection with 8's CQ-80

*Agent 3 jumped over to 8 and started fighting with lots of specials 

<Tar Tar, speaking by Agent 3> You measly scrap of seafood, YOU'll PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!

*They were fighting for a long time, 8 was almost splatted

<Tar Tar speaking by Agent 3> Any last words?

<Agent 8 (speaking... OUT LOUD)> Only three: BYE. BYE. GOO!

*Agent 8 splat the goo out of 3's face

*Agent 3 fall unconscious AGAIN! 

*They made it all the way up until they found a ladder

*Cap'n Cuttlefish was going up the ladder while Agent 8 was carrying 3, by that time, 8 was saying in her head over and over again"I just saved the life of the guy who saved mine!"

*They made it up to the surface while "Nasty Majesty" was playing in the distance

*They get into the helicopter

*Pearl and the Captain started rapping 

<Marina> Here we go again

<Marina> Ummm... you guys

*A large statue started getting out of the sea

<Marina> Are you guys seeing this!?

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> Wait... that form... but they said it was destoyed it's... HUMAN!

<Tar Tar> Tar Tar in dah house! [DISABLING CONTEMPORARY SPEECH MODE]  

<Tar Tar> I am Commander Tar Tar, an AI created long ago by a race called humans, my goal was to recreate they world but you measly scrap of seafood ruin it all!, and... (large speech we don't want to hear) now this world will be blended into perfection with the Nils statue!

*"Nasty Majesty" started playing in fast mode

<Pearl> What do we do

<Marina> Gimme a sec, I'm analyzing it

<Marina> Done!, the Nils statue it's absorbing energy from the sun, so if we cover the full thing with ink it'll stop charging!

<Marina> 8! you'll have to ink the statue, we could use the hyperbombs I'm working on, but they are still prototypes so you'll have to detonate them manually!

 <Pearl> What can I do?

<Marina> I'll need you to charge your vocal cords for your Princess Cannon!

<Pearl> But I haven't done that in forever, I don't even know if I can do it again!

<Marina> Well you'll have to do it 'cause we only have 3:00 minutes to cover that thing up!

<Pearl> I'll do it! To save the world!

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> Aaaand... what about me?

<Marina> You... umm... you could be the hype man!

<Cap'n Cuttlefish> Got it!

Three Minutes Start NOW!

*"Fly Octo Fly" starts playing

*Agent 8 detonate all bombs, the statue is covered

*"Ebb and Flow" starts playing

<Marina> It's done charging but it's going to fire anyway!?!?!??!?!

*Pearl jumps down to 8

<Pearl> Don't worry, I got it from here!


*The statue is covered up and Tar Tar dies

*They're all happy and Marina hugs Pearl

*Agent 3's awake and he sees 8

*"Into the Light" starts playing and they all look at the horizon 

<Marina> Lovely, isn't it?

*They nodded

<Pearl> Hey you guys why don't you come to our home? There's room for everyone!

<Agent 3> Sounds Great! Thanks pearl!

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