Season 2 ep 4:"Im here now"

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Hiroki POV:

"Shirou?" Tears went down my face, seeing him staring into my eyes. "HIROKI!" He hugs me as tight as he could, i smile, leading my hands to hug him back. He stay'd in my arms, almost soaking my jacket with his tears, but i didn't mind. I cupped his chin, wiping the tears off his face, trailing my lips to his. our lips connect passionately, i used my free hand to put it on his shoulder, pulling him closer. We were both desperate for air, we then broke apart, smiling at each other. He whimpered slightly, i trail my eyes to see a giant bite mark on his shoulder, "Was that...Me?" He looks down, no reply, i cover my mouth, stepping back a bit. "N-No! its not your fault, y-you were being controlled!" He says, pulling me back. I calm down, staring into his pretty eyes. "Your tired...Eh?" I ask him, he nods, cuddling into my chest. I pick him up (Bridal style) and let him sleep in my arms. "We have to stop Alan....Though" His eyes were heavy, trying to stay awake. "Its fine! i'll take care of Alan, have rest...You deserve it..." I said, kissing his forehead and leading my eyes to Alan's Position. He had a smirk on his face...gross... But he treated.. A helicopter rose up and flew away. "Dammit" I said, heading towards Shirou. He was sound asleep, holding onto my jacket tightly. I pick him up, but soon hear the mayor and Nazuna. "michiru!!!" Screams were heard from near our location, i turned to Michiru and saw a giant hole in her stomach. Luckily, it didn't hit her heart and she was barely breathing, that was good. But over 400 people died, or were severely Injured. They were able to stable the monster anima's. 

'We will find Alan...'

'We will capture him'

'I will make him pay for breaking this city'

'He killed and controlled many of our kind'

'And he killed our own parents'


'I wont just capture him...'

'I want him to suffer the same way everyone suffered under his rule'

'I'll kill him...'

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