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Once we landed I opened the hatch and Rey was mesmerized "I didn't know there was this much green in the whole galaxy." She said and I smiled "I know right? My grandfather was raised on Tattooine and it was all sand, he hated it. Every time I connect with him in the force he'd say the sand always gotten in his boots." I chuckled and she did too.

3rd Person POV-
"Hey, Solo, I'm not sure what we're walking into here." "Did you just call me Solo?" Han said and Finn cleared his throat "Sorry, Han. Mr. Solo. You should know, I'm a big deal in the Resistance, which puts a real target on my back. Are there any conspirators here? Like First Order sympathizers?" He said and Han frowned "Listen, "big deal". You have another problem. Women always figure out the truth. Always." He told Finn and he frowned then looked at Rey and Elle laughing.

"You might need this." My dad said giving Rey a blaster and she frowned "I think I can handle myself." "I know you do. That's why I'm giving it to you. Take it. You know how to use one of those?" My dad said and she smiled "Yeah. You pull the trigger." She said aiming it but my dad smirked "A little bit more truer than that. You got a lot to learn. You got a name?" "Rey." she introduced herself and my dad nodded. "Rey. I've been thinking about bringing on some more crew, Rey. A second mate. Someone to help out. Someone who can keep up with Chewie and me, who appreciates the Falcon." "Are you offering me a job?" Rey asked and I frowned, why didn't he ask me? "I wouldn't be nice to you. I don't pay much." My dad said and Rey smiled even bigger "You're offering me a job?" "I'm thinking about it. Well?" He asked and she sighed "If you are, I'd be flattered. But I have to go home." Rey said and my dad frowned "Where? Jakku?" "I've already been away too long." Rey said and looked at me and I gave her a small smile "Chewie, checkout the ship as best you can... It's too bad. Chewie kinda likes you." "So you gonna ask me?" I said and my dad smiled "I thought you were training to be a Jedi?" He said and I rolled my eyes then we followed my dad to Maz's castle. "Solo, why are we here again?" "To get your droid on a clean ship." My dad answered Finn and I frowned "Clean?" "Do you think it was luck that Chewie and I found the Falcon? If we can find it on our scanners, the First Order is not far behind. You want to get BB-8 to the Resistance. Maz Kanata is our best bet." My dad said and I remembered when I first met Maz, she told me lots about the force and about my family. "We can trust her, right?" "Relax, kid. She's run this watering hole for a thousand years. Maz is a bit of an acquired taste, so, let me do the talking. And whatever you do, don't stare." My dad said and Finn and Rey frowned "At what?" "Any of it." Me and my dad said together and he smiled at me as we entered Maz's cantina "Han Solo!" "Oh, boy... Hey, Maz." My said smiled at her and we walked towards each other, everyone looked at all of us and I sighed "Everyone go back to your drinking, just some old friends meeting at last." I said waving my hand and they all went back to what they were doing. "Where's my boyfriend?" "Chewie's working in the Falcon." My dad told her and she looked up at us "I like that Wookiee... I assume you need something." Maz said and I sighed "Desperately." I told her and she nodded "Let's get to it." She said and showed us to a table far from everyone so we can talk, I felt this chilly feeling but I shrugged it off.

"A map... to Skywalker himself?" "I need you to get this droid to Leia." My dad said and Maz looked at us then back to my dad "No." she said and I frowned "You've been running away from this fight for too long. Han. Go home." Maz told my dad and he sighed "Leia doesn't want to see me." He said and I frowned "Dad, she's right. Come home, mom would be thrilled to have you back home... Please Maz, we came here for your help." I told my dad and Maz then Rey frowned putting down the food in her hand "What fight?" "The only fight against the dark side. Through the ages, I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith. The Empire. Today, it is the First Order. Their shadows spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight them. All of us." Maz said and I nodded. "There is no fighting against the First Order. Not one we can win." Finn said and I frowned "Look around. There's no chance we haven't been recognized us already. I bet you the First Order is on their way right..." Finn told us and Maz focused her goggles then climbed on the table and Finn was taken back by it "What's this? What are you doing? Solo, what is she doing?" "I don't know, but it ain't good." My dad said and Finn looked to me and I shrugged. "If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people. I'm looking at the eyes of a man who wants to run." "You don't know a thing about me. Where I'm from. What I've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do. They will slaughter us. We all need to run." Finn said, Rey and I frowned and Maz sighed "You see those two? They'll trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There, you can disappear." Maz told Finn and he stood up "Finn?" "Come with me." He said to Rey and she frowned "What about BB-8? We're not done yet. We have to get him back to your base." Rey told him and he sighed "I can't." Finn told her and held the blaster my dad gave to him but he sighed "Keep it, kid." He told him and he walked away with Rey following him "Who's the girl?" Maz asked and I sighed "Rey, she was a Scavenger on Jakku, she helped me get BB-8 out of Jakku." I told her then they began talking about a deal and I felt the force pulling me towards a hallway. Something was calling to me and I made my way down the long hallway, BB-8 beeped getting my attention "It's okay, BB-8. Go back to Rey and my dad." I muttered and I got to a door which was closed but it opened like something wanted it to be opened, it was a storage closet but I saw a locked wooden crate. I fell to my knees in front of the box and I opened it to see a lightsaber which made me frown in confusion "Elle." I heard someone whisper and suddenly the whole room disappeared and was shown the Jedi Temple, it was on fire and crumbling. I saw my Uncle Luke and R2, alive and watching it burn then I saw my brother with the knights of Ren passing me, Ben ignited his lightsaber and I frowned "Uncle Luke!" I yelled and Ben turned to me and my eyes widened and I reached for my lightsaber but it was gone. I watched as my brother raised his lightsaber and he attacked but I felt no pain, I opened my eyes to see the scenery changed and I was back at the Resistance Base. I sighed in relief, it was all a dream. "Elle!" I heard someone yell and It sounded like Poe and I smiled "Poe!" I yelled and I tried to find him but every time I turned a corner there was another turn "Elle!" I heard Poe yell again and I heard heavy breathing and I turned around to see Ben, he stabbed Poe with his lightsaber killing him instantly and my eyes widened. "No!" I yelled and I ignited my lightsaber and attacked "Give in to the dark side, Elle. You know what you need to do." I heard and I screamed in frustration but I was now back in the hallway of Maz's castle. "Elle? Trust your self." I heard someone whisper then I turned my head to see Maz "What was that?" I asked her and she sighed but I shook my head "I shouldn't gone in here." "That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him. And now, it call's to you. The niece and granddaughter." Maz said and I frowned "I need to get back to the base." "Your father told me. Dear child, I see your eyes. You already know the truth. You know your brother won't come back. But, there's someone who still could." Maz told me and I steadied my breathing "Luke." "The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead. I'm no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes. Feel it . The light... it's always been there. It will guide you. The saber. Take it." "I'm never touching that thing again. I don't want any part of this anymore." I said and I ran out of the Cantina passing my father on the way out "I'm sorry, dad. I'm sorry I lied to you and mom about being a Jedi, I'll never train again. I won't- I can't become a Jedi." I told him and he frowned. "Hey, hey its okay." He said and pulled me into a hug and I sighed "Where's Finn and Rey?" I asked and he sighed "Rey left, went into the Forrest. Finn is getting on a ship to the outer rim." My dad told me and I frowned. We walked out to see a red beam shooting out through hyperspace and it blew up Coruscant and my eyes widened "Oh, no." I muttered and suddenly I could feel Ben's presence, I ran into the Forrest for Rey and I saw Ben walking into the trees so I followed. I hid behind a rock and saw Ben talking with Rey "The girl I heard so much about. The droid. Where is it?" Ben said and I climbed on top of the rock and ignited my lightsaber "Why don't you talk to me instead?" I said and I flipped off the rock and landed in front of Ben. "Elle, I see you made a new friend. Where is the droid?" He asked and I smirked "He's long gone, probably with the resistance now." I told him and I lunged forward but Ben used the force to stop me and I couldn't move "You aren't strong enough to fight me. You still have lots to learn, I can show you. I can teach you the ways of the dark side then we can rule the Galaxy together as brother and sister once more." Ben told me and I frowned, he looked to Rey and tilted his head "The map. You've seen it." "Sir, Resistance fighters. We need more troops." a stormtrooper said and he turned to him "Pull the division out. Forget the droid. We have what we need." Ben said and stepped closer to me "We have much to discuss." He added and I frowned right before I blacked out.

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