As expected, Eddie drew his hand back and smacked Stan across the face. Stan winced quietly as Eddie let out a breath.

"I deserved that." Stan whispered, rubbing his cheek where a red handprint was appearing.

"Yeah you fucking did." Eddie nodded, taking everyone by surprise when he threw his arms around Stan, pulling him into a hug.

Stan furrowed his eyebrows, a confused expression on his face, but hesitantly- and very awkwardly, hugged back, a little relieved.

Eddie failed to muffle a laugh as everyone aww'd. "Shut up!" He mumbled, pulling away from Stan and walking back over to the sofa, resuming his position on Bills lap. No one said anything about it, Not even Bill. Only Richie winked at Eddie, who glared back.

"So.." Mike piped up. "Whats the plan? How can we help?"

Stan cracked into a grin, Richie walking up behind him and slinging an arm around his shoulder (On his tip toes to make it more comfortable, due to the- small but noticeable- height difference). "Yeah, Stanny! Whats the plan?"


They were in the kitchen now, the livingroom becoming a little cramped, as it usually was, Richie pouring lemonade while the losers went over Stans different ideas on how to get the photos back.

"-It might take some time, theres only certain times of the week where they aren't all together." Stan explained.

"Well, we could split up into pairs." Jenny suggested, Stan only now noticing her presence. "Jenny, by the way. We haven't properly met." She stuck out her hand for Stan to shake, which he took, nodding with a small smile.

"Stan." He introduced himself. "But you probably know that already."

Jenny nodded.

"That's a great idea!" Eddie piped up.

"S-so, we split into p-pairs. Th-theh-hen what?" Bill asked.

"Well-" Stan started. "Henry usually does his farm work on Thursdays, so they aren't together that day, And- He always has his photo in the pocket of his denim jacket, which he leaves hanging on the fence while he works, two of us could try and steal the photo then."

"Okay, but what about the rest?" Ben asked.

"Belch and Victor usually hang around at Bassey park, avoiding Henry 'cause he makes them help him with his farm work, four of us could, again, try and take their photos." He explained. "And Patty makes me go window shopping around town with her on those days." Stan rolled his eyes at the mention of her, Richie fighting the urge to do the same. "I'll try and distract her while one of you guys steals the photo from her handbag.

"Thats gonna be a challenge." Bev snorted. "Have you seen her? She never puts it down!"

"We cannot be caught!" Richie spoke up. "Or else those photos get out and Stan and I-eyee-ah- I mean- Stans dead. So- Be fucking careful!"

"Aye aye, Cap'n." Bev saluted.

"Now, pairs-"

"Im with Jenny!" Bev announced, grabbing Jennys hand and holding both of their hands in the air.

"Okay.." Stan nodded. "So Bevs with Jenny-"

"I'll g-go with Eh-Eds." Bill said.

Richie winked at Eddie, who was blushing.

"Okay." Stan nodded again.

"Ben and Mike can go together." Bev smiled, quickly smirking at Richie, who raised his middle finger, flipping her off while pretending to push his glasses up.

"Okay, s-so that leaves Richie and I." Stan nodded for the third time, hoping no one noticed his nervous stutter.

"Hey Stan?" Mike raised his eyebrow.


"Whats so bad about the photo that Henry can use it for blackmail?" He asked.

Bev quickly turned a laugh into a cough, holding back giggles as she spoke. "Yeah, Stanny! Whats on this photo?"

Richie glared at her, a blush raising on his face. Stan turned to look at Richie with an eyebrow quirked in question. Richie didn't miss the way Stans cheeks were lightly dusted with a pink colour, which made him blush harder. "I-I mean-" He whispered, pushing up his glasses. "They're gonna see it anyway, theres no point in not telling them. Go ahead." He sighed, ducking his head out of view so no one else saw how badly his face was burning.

"Uh- so basically, At that one party like- two days? before I beat up Bill- sorry 'bout that, by the way." Stan glanced up at Bill.

"'S fuh-fine." Bill nodded.

"-Uh well- Richie and I were talking, he was shitface drunk, and accidentally kinda kissed me and some asshat took a photo of it, there." Stan spike quickly, the tips of his ears burning red.

"Oh okay." Mike shrugged.

"Lets go watch a movie!" Ben suggested.


yall ben is so precious help

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