While eating ice cream

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While eating ice cream

Y/n: Jungkook???

Jk: Yes?

Y/n: Its like I've seen you somewhere... I noticed that at the ceremony day only but I never asked... Like the smaller version of you...

Jk: huh? How?

Y/n: I dont know... Did you ever come to the human world before...

Jk: I did but I never saw you or met you... I don't remember if I did...

Y/n: You remember this?

Y/n: You remember this?

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Jk: Wow its is beautiful! No

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Jk: Wow its is beautiful! No... I dont know this but...wait turn it.

I did. This was what the boy gave me...

Jk: This symbol shows its made in the magical world

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Jk: This symbol shows its made in the magical world... Its of a famous shop actually... All the beautiful and magical instruments are made there.... Its a very special shop!

Y/n: Oh... Maybe it was just an illusion...

So he is not the one... I wonder who that boy was...who saved me that night.

Jk: From where did you get this?

Y/n: I just got it when I was little...

Jk: oh... You were surely related to this world then or maybe a mediator... I dont really know it well...maybe we might find out!

Y/n: Yup!

After that we went back to the restaurant and then back to the academy...

*The dance competition - ball day*

Y/n Pov:

It is the ball day I am very excited... One reason is because I dont have class!

(Author: Lazy girl! 😂😂😂
Y/n: 😛😛😛 I am! What will you do? One mintue! You made me like this! Ahh! Its your mistake! I am not going to leave you!
Author: Oh! Hell! I am caught! Bye!😳😂😂
Y/n: wait!🙄😂😂)

Jisoo: Y/n? Ready?

Y/n: yup!

Jisoo: Make up?

Y/n: Nah!

Jisoo: You have to do it! I will do it for you!

Y/n: What? I don't want to look like a joker!

Jisoo: You think I look like a joker?

Y/n: No! That is not what I meant!

Jisoo: So you are doing it!

Y/n: Do I have a option?

Jisoo: No! (chuckles)

Y/n: Ok! (chuckles)

Jisoo starts to do my make up.

Y/n: What about the wand where should i keep it? We should keep it with us...but my dress doesn't have a pocket!

Jisoo: Make it an accessory!

Y/n: What is it possible?

Jisoo: Yup! See my necklace!

Y/n: Is that your mate pearl?

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Y/n: Is that your mate pearl?

Jisoo: Yes! I made my wand a necklace... Looks good right?

Y/n: It's beautiful!!! How did you do it?

Jisoo: The spell...'Mutare inforcia!' is used for it!

Y/n: 'Mutare inforcia!'

Jisoo: Wow your bracelate is so beautiful! It even matches with your dress! The mate pearl looks so perfect on it!

Y/n: Ah! This pearl is so beautiful!

We hear a knock on the door.

Jisoo: Come in!

Lisa: How long??? Wow you look gorgeous beauties! Jennie is angry! Dont forget she is our miss punctual princess!

Y/n: Lets go! We are done!

We all go out and lock our room door.

Jennie: Girls! Look at the time!!! I want to be on time hurry!

Rose: If you would be 2 more minutes late our ms. Prefection and punctual would go crazy!

Y/n: Sorry! Ms. Pretty Jennie!

Jennie: Now trying to butter me huh?

Everyone starts to chuckle!

Jisoo: You all look gorgeous!

Rose: Ok so... Lets go! We have to walk down the stairs as our names are called get it??

Y/n: Why is it all so over... I mean...

Jenny: Stop complaining girl! We are late!

Y/n: Ok! (chuckles)

The gate opened and names were called out...

To be continued...

Academy Of Magic - The Lost KingdomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant