Chapter 7: A tale of two dinners - Part 2

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To: Kyoya Ootori

From: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

Subject: Your birthday!

If I buy you a cake will you come home for your birthday?

To: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

From: Kyoya Ootori

Subject: Re: Your birthday!


To: Kyoya Ootori

From: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

Subject: Re: Your birthday!

If I bake you a cake will you come home for your birthday?

To: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

From: Kyoya Ootori

Subject: Re: Your birthday!


To: Kyoya Ootori

From: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

Subject: Re: Your birthday!

If Haruhi bakes you a cake will you come home for your birthday?

To: Fuyumi Ootori-Shido

From: Kyoya Ootori

Subject: Re: Your birthday!

Big sister, I love you dearly, but don't you dare.

Tokyo: Sunday, 22 November

Kaoru, Hikaru and Mei argue so much about who gets to dress her for the birthday dinner that Haruhi feels forced to intervene before it turns into a genuine fistfight.

She thinks Mei would win, and if anyone found out, the twins would never live it down.

The compromise is a shopping trip, and although Kaoru and Hikaru turn their noses up at the stores she can afford, her three friends pounce on a rail of dresses that are exactly the kind of thing her father buys and leaves in her wardrobe for her to find. She leaves them to it, wandering off to find a suitable present for the occasion. Not for Kyoya – he won't even be there – but for the hostess, Fuyumi.

Kaoru and Hikaru drag her back to their mansion to get ready, Mei talking loudly the whole way about how amazing Mrs Hitachiin is. By the time they've finished with her – and Mrs Hitachiin has given her seal of approval – she looks . . . nice enough, she supposes, as they push her in front of a full-length mirror, but not much like her. Too much lace and too many frills, like a doll gone wrong.

Still, she lets them take a photo, and forwards it on to her father. He'll love it, and Fuyumi and Tamaki will probably also love it too. It's not a hardship to dress up occasionally.

She's still bemused as to why she and Tamaki have been invited to Kyoya's family birthday dinner in the first place. Given that Kyoya is in America, the meal seems to be more of an excuse for the Suoh and Ootori patriarchs to get together than a celebration of the Ootori third son. She's not even convinced Kyoya knew she'd been invited – not before she'd accidentally told him yesterday, at any rate. She'd asked if he had plans for Sunday, and he'd told her about the lunch at the Tachibanas that he was looking forward to and the Spee club drinks party that he wasn't. And then he'd asked if she had any plans.

Kyoya Ootori's Guide to Self-Deception for Fun and Profitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن