First Day, Old Friend

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Obito' pov

Its a new day and well.... Kakashi hatake is my new assistant, my childhood friend i still Can't belive it.... I havent seen him in forever really

Ever sense Rin.... When sje was kidnapped and her body was found a month later......

( depressing ik but im a depressed idiot uwu)

Well now its time to get in the shower and get dressed


The shower was about 30 minutes, I put some clothes on and grabbed some food to go and got in my limo witch was waiting for me outside

Now the uchiha empire is a very special place, the focus on medicine, technology, and more they give people who dont have jobs, a place and help them get settled.

Another thing is that its an LGBTQ+ friendly place, it helps people like... Izuma or kotesu who parents didn't accept them and and helped them.

(No clue if i spell any names right)

Its like that witch they do too most people, obito is acutally gay himself

(We know that tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )

he works on the top floor and useally gets the stuff himself but an assistant is better witch is were kakashi comes in

Over all its a good place


i arive 10 minutes later after getting in the limo, i head inside to floor 7 witch is the top floor

i also only have access to the top floor but the desk will give kakasho a key so he can get in ya know

He should be here in an hour or to so ima just have to wait a bit

3rd pov

"Im sorry kakashi but i have to go" the mysterious boy says

"But why? I don't wanna be alone..."
Kakshi says not wanted him to leave

"Here bakashi" the boy hands him a necklace

"What is it?" Kakashi asked

"Its a friendship necklace but only ones that my family has it brings a bond together forever.."

Kakashi looks at the necklace before putting it on

"Good bye kakashi" the boy says


"Beep beep"

Kakashi wakes and throws his clock

"Always ruining that dream.... Agh whats his name why Cant i remember" kakashi says mad that he Can't remember

He gets in the shower and gets dressed and locked up before he heads out

He doesnt have any food so he doesnt eat and just leaves waiting for the bus to come

Its arives 20 minutes later, he gets on and the bus driver says hi like normal

He arives 30 minutes later and heads inside he talks to the lady at the front and she hands him a key and tells him to go up to the 7th floor


Kakashis pov

I make it to the top and step out of the elevator

I walk over the the only door and try to turn the knob.... It doesnt budge...

I use the key and it opens buttt the weirdest part is Mr. Obito....

Why is he staring at me....

"Uh hello?" Kakashi asked

"Lock the door and sit over there and start working on thos files" he says going back to his work

I just do what in told but tf are these files about im so confused......

About an hour passed ive done 100 of these how many more are there !!!!


3rd pov

"Kakashi go get me some coffee" obito demands

"Jeez fine"

Kakashi gets up and walks over to the room with snacks and gets the coffee ready.....

"Jeez hes annoying why does he have to be so floofin rude jeez" kakashi thought

He walks back out with tge coffee placing it on the table

He walks back to his desk and starts back on some work....

Kakashi lives a life most people wouldn't want he also thinks hes ugly 24'7 witch is why he weres a mask, he has no real friends and has no family, hes alsl 24 but over all hes a peaceful guy

Obito lives the dream life, he has a nice family, he has many friends, and is rich, hes a pretty nice guy but can be a jack ass, obito is also a 25 year old

As you can tell to complete opposites, also there personally is why different to

For kakashi hes a pretty smoth guy, he doesnt raise his voice and is always here to help, he is also pretty chill, but he can be mean if you get him to annoyed he is also good at fighting,

And for obito hes is very stern and stricked with some things he always wants to get his work done and doesn't like distractions even tho he gets a lot of them. Hes also good at fighting


Kakashi starts getting tired all the folders are almost the same thing he just keeps writing the same thing over and over, very few are different

"Kakashi clean this room im going to go out for a bit" obito says as he gets up and leaves

"Bwish" kakashi has had enough of his attitude

He gets up and puts the files away sence hes finshed

He grabs the broom and starts sweeping the room is pretty big so it will take a while...

After he was done with that he moves to the windows theres quite a few windows so this will take a bit also

He finally finshes cleaning the windows and moves to the break room the the bathroom

"Why is this room so big ITS BIGGER THEN MY HOUSE" kakashi complained, he never really cleans so this was a bit difficult

He moves on to obitos desk... Its a complet mess

He starts by sorting all the paper work and boi was there alot

He picks up all the pens pencils markers ect and putting them in a container, he moves the computer to a safer spot and pushed in the chair

next he moves to the drawers they were a mess he goes to the bottom to the top he finally cleans the top drawer but he sees a necklece.....

"Whats this?" Kakashi says

He looks at it and brings it to his necklece....

"It fits?.... But that means..."

"So you finally remember bakashi...."


Ahhhhhh omg i got 1000 words ahh that was so hard to get 1000 words

Sorry if the updates are slow im in school rn sooo its difficult...

Anyways i hope you enjoyed baiii

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