Theres some whores in this house

Start from the beginning

"That's gross," he says. "Your gross,"

"Anyways... I've been studying all of you tall folk,"

"If anything you growing taller will dull you out," he says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question. "It won't dull me out,"

"If you get taller you'll have to start acting your height, no more acting a fool," he says.

"Your tall, and you act a fool," I point out.

"I've always been tall so it doesn't matter," he says.

"There are no perks in you getting taller," he says. "But you'll be closer to Jesus,"

"Jesus and I are on decent terms, and I heard that he stole the dino's form hell. So I want to go to heaven, actually, I wanna be reincarnated as some celebrities baby," I say. "But like one that isn't canceled,"

"If you grow taller you'll become all lanky," he says.

"Just because your tall doesn't mean you'll become lanky, your not even that lanky," I say.

"I bet you'll lose your ass," he says.

"That's it, I give up," I say. "I don't want to be tall, tall people suck,"

"You so kind," he rolls his eyes.

"I'm just kidding, obviously Wakatoshi doesn't suck," I say. "But everyone sucks a little,"

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Well basically I'm climbing onto this bench so I can jump on top of you," I say. "And since your full or reasons on why being tall is just as good as finding some used earplugs. You must prevent me from growing taller,"

"I don't want to carry you," he says.

"If I break my neck falling onto the pavement... Actually that could make a cool video," I say. "Make sure you get this on video,"

"Are you serious?" he asks slightly concerned.

"Should I attempt a backflip or just go for a swan dive?" I ask. "I'd go for a belly flop but that's a little bit basic for my taste,"

"Of course your serious," he shakes his head.

"Get your phone out you goon," I say. "If I'm gonna break my neck I at least want some clout,"

"I don't want to have to grab you, it's getting dark out so it'll look like I'm kidnapping you," he says. "And that's the last thing I need,"

"So it would be pretty bad if I just yelled, STRANG-!" I start but he covers my mouth.

"I swear to whatever God you pray to I will give you away," he says.

"Which type of giving away? The hamster kind perhaps?" I mumble.

"I'll give you a way to the Karen who's hair takes up two whole bus seats," he says.

"Ew," I cringe. "Guess my neck won't be breaking today,"


"So basically I just need you to write a note and sign it saying that I'm allergic to strawberries," I say.

He sits there looking at me, very confused.

"But your eating some right now," he says.

"Well next week I'll be allergic," I say. "I just need you to do this,"

"Okay," he nods his head. "I'll do it,"

"Great," I smile. "My life has been saved,"

"So how was school?" he asks.

"Oh, it was a tragedy," I say. "So there doing this culture festival, and I was sleeping in class,"

"Was I supposed to be surprised?" he asks. "That sounds like a normal day for you,"

"I'm not to the tragedy part yet," I say. "All was going good until my teacher woke me and informed me that our class was doing a magical girl cafe,"

"So are you going to be baking?" he asks.

"I wish I was, believe me, I do. But unfortunately, Kei told the teacher that I'd want to be on the serving crew, so now I have to be a magical girl,"

"..." he stares blankly. "Your gonna wear a dress?"

"Yup," I nod my head. "Unfortunately,"

"You... in an actual dress," he says. "I can't imagine it,"

"And get this," I say. "I'm representing the class in the beauty pageant, and that means another dress,"

"Are they bribing you or something?" he asks.

"Yeah basically," I nod my head. "I get a dino basket, and its gonna gave some stuff in it,"

"That makes sense," he nods his head. "Also I need to talk to you tomorrow after school,"

"Is everything all right? Do you need recommendations on cocktails or something?" I ask.

"No, it's nothing like that," he gets up from the table.

"Is it important?" I ask.

"Yes it is very important," he says seriously.

"Uh... Am I in trouble or something?" I ask. "I'm kinda getting paranoid,"

"You're not in trouble," he says. "But it's still important,"

"Okay," I nod my head, still confused about what it could be about.

"I'll get you after school," he says.

"Okay," I nod my head again.

I don't believe him, I've got to be in trouble or something. But maybe he's just making it seem more serious then it is. What if it's nothing, but what if its something?

That moment when your somehow mistaken for your mother and get shoved into a police car forcefully for no reason at all. 🙂✌️ ACAB. And then you find out that she's not even going to get time in prison. Yes I'm fine.


I Don't Understand you ||Tsukishima Kei StoryWhere stories live. Discover now