"No!" Jasper yells.

Jasper starts running as fast as he can toward the two but the newborn grabs at Jacob and wraps his arms around his body. He squeezes him, crushing his bones. Jacob howls in agony. Jasper jumps at the newborn and tackles him to the side. All the other wolves rush toward him and take down the newborn after Jasper lets him go.

Edward and Carlisle rush over to Jacob as he transforms back into his human form. The rest of the Cullens, including me, run straight for him. He's naked and the whole right side of his body is caved in, slightly. He groans in pain and you can tell he can barely breath. Carlisle examines him quickly. Edward quickly takes Jake's hand before speaking, softly.

"Hold on, Carlisle is gonna take care of you."

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle admits.

The pack runs over from the trees where they phased back.

"Jacob, you idiot! I had it!" Leah snaps.

"Leah!" Sam commands.

"I need to set his bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle sighs.

"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi." Edward looks at him.

"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam nods.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle stands.

The pack picks Jacob up as carefully as they can. They put him on their shoulders and he cries out in pain. They walk as fast as they can to the trees, trying to leave before the Volturi show up. We all walk back to the fire. Kevin and Alice stand toward the trees with Esme and Carlisle. Emmett wraps an arm around Rosalie who is standing behind Kevin and Alice. Edward and Bella stand on the other side of Esme. Jasper and I stand in the back since they really don't know who I am.

A group walks out of the mist that had formed. They're wearing black and red robes as they walk toward us. There are three men with a woman leading them. They stop about 50 feet ahead of us. Jasper tightens his grip on my hip but it doesn't hurt. They take off their hoods and stare at us for a few seconds.

"It appears you've done our work for us." The lady smirks slightly as she watches us. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky." Carlisle nods.

"I doubt that." She smarts off.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." One of the men says.

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"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." The woman watches us.

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward spits out.

"Pity." She shrugs slightly before looking past us. "You missed one."

We turn to look. The girl from before is standing right behind us. Jasper moves from me slightly toward her.

You're My Major - Jasper Hale - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now