Chapter 1

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You know when you go through a bad time and keep thinking it can't get any worse than this? Well, this is not one of those times. Ever since Bella and Edward came home from Italy, everything's gotten worse. Jacob has been ignoring Bella so she has been freaking out. Edward is always over all the time these days. Of course without my dad knowing.

We have the Volturi over our heads, just waiting for Bella and I to turn. The only good part was that I got to see Jasper every day. Bella got ungrounded a few days ago. Dad said the only reason she is ungrounded is that she's finally been following the rules. His only rule now is that she has to use her freedom to see her friends...Like Jacob.

Edward hasn't been letting her though. She was going to see him that same day but he stopped her. Jasper knows I will still go to the reservation with or without his consent. He knows I don't give a shit about his consent on that matter. My other best friends live there and I will see them. The pack knows about The Volturi wanting to change me.

They are upset about it but there is nothing they can do. Jasper met Sam, Paul, and Jared at the treaty line with me one day to talk about it. He told him how Bella didn't inform us about the deal with The Volturi. No one in the family wants to change me but if I'm not changed soon, the Volturi will kill me.

That is the only reason the pack will let me be changed without hurting the Cullens. I am the only change to the treaty. Sam wasn't going to change it for Bella since she wants to be a vampire and planned on it before the Volturi talked to her. Even though the pack and council said it was okay, I'm still waiting till the very last second before I get changed.

My head snaps up from my thoughts as Kevin and Alice run into the house. Jasper and Emmett put down the controllers they were using and stand up.

"Everyone! Living room! Now!" Alice says, quickly before pacing around.

Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie run into the room. Jasper puts his hand out for me to take. I gently put my hand in his and when I'm fully standing, he wraps an arm around my waist.

"What's going on, Alice?" Carlisle asks, softly.

"At school today, I had a vision. Victoria is coming this weekend!" Alice says, stopping in her steps.

"This weekend?" I ask.

She nods.

"Bella and Edward are going to go to Phoenix to see your mother while you are going down to the reservation." Alice explains her plan.

"Why don't Ally and Bella go to Phoenix?" Jasper speaks up.

"Bella will be set on Edward going so that he can meet their mother again." Alice informs him.

Jasper rolls his eyes.

"Would you like me to inform Sam?" I look over at Carlisle.

"That would be best." He nods once.

I walk out of the room as I pull my cell phone out of my pocket. I find Sam's contact and giggle at his photo. I had just gotten my new phone and I was hanging out with the pack at the Uley/Young house. Jared was going around taking photos of everyone before we went to the movies. It was the best photo I could find of Sam.

It just so happened to have Paul in it as well.

It just so happened to have Paul in it as well

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