Chapter 10 [ time to go?]

Start from the beginning

[ next day ]
" are you seriously leaving y/n" Gon whined
" yes l am" l replied
" whyy" Gon whined more
" well l wanna learn more without the help of my brother" l replied
" where is killua anyway" Gon asked
" over here" killua stayed walking towards us
" are you really leaving [ nick name]" killua asked me
" l- yes" l faked a smile
" l'm gonna miss you" killua added
" don't make me change me mind" l replied crying a bit
" be safe and when you need me you know what to do" killua added hugging me
"I'll miss you" killua and Gon said at the same time
" l will too" l said hugging both of them
" let's go y/n" Katie waved at me
" okay" l said waving back
" bye guys" l replied Turing around to them
" bye y/n they" they both said at the same time

[ after getting your license]
" y/n over here" you heard a familiar voice say to you as you walked out the shop.
" hmm" l said looking up
" Sofia what are you doing here" l asked
" here to pick you up" Sofia smiled
" the others are inside already
" thanks Sofia" l replied getting the car
" ya no problem" Sofia replied entering the car after me.

[ In the car ]

" so where are we going to first" Sofia asked
" l wanna go to where fei is" akina said taking off some kind of headphone
" is that okay" Sofia asked looking at everyone
" that's okay" me and Katie say
" okay then let's go there" Sofia said telling the driver
" so why you wanna go to where feitan is" l asked looking at akina
" we set up a date and l wanna see him today instead of tomorrow"
" ah l see" l replied
" your cells ringing" Katie stated
" oh hand it to me" l reached over to Katie
" here you go" Katie replied handing me the cell
" hello who is this" l asked
" that isn't very nice y/n it's me kurapika" he stated
" oh hey kurapika what's up" l asked
" ooo it's the love of your life" Katie cooed
" l wonder what's up with you guys" akina mocked
" anyway where are you right now" l asked ignoring them
" l going back to get a job" kurapika replied
" oh then can you wait for me l wanna join you" l replied
" oh aren't you with killua and Gon right now" kurapika asked
" no l left them 8 hrs ago" l replied looking at them
" really then l can wait about 3 and a half hours" kurapika asked.
" oh okay l will try to get there" l replied
" l sent the place just now" kurapika added
" okay thanks l'll let you know when l get there" l said
" hmm okay then see you there" kurapika replied then ended the call
" Sofia after you drop Akina then can you drop me off at this location" l said showing her location
" ya l'm going somewhat that way" Sofia replied
" okay thanks" l replied
" going on a date" Katie mocked
" haha very funny but not l'm doing him to try out for a job" l replied sticking out my tongue
" here we are" the driver states
" why does here look so abandoned" l asked looking at akina
" it's just how it is" akina said with a awkward smile.
" let's go check it out with akina" Katie said
" wait no" akina said
" how long will it take to get to my destination" l asked the driver
" about 1hr and 10mins" the driver replied
" then we'll be fine let's go explore" l stated
" yay let's go" me, Katie and Sofia said while akina frowned
" you guys will be the death of me one day" akina stated hitting her head
" aww l love you too" Katie stated hugging akina
" get off me Katie" akina groaned
" meanie" Katie pouted
Me and Sofia laughed while getting out the car
" why are you guys so set on looking around here" akina asked with a frown
" because l wanna see what kind of place feitan is bringing my child" Katie stated
" l'm older than you tho" akina smirked looking at Katie
" doesn't matter " Katie stated proudly
" guys what's that" Sofia asked pointing at something coming towards us at an alarming rate
" is that what l think it it" Katie said trying to make it out
" l think it's a bullet" l stated
" A nen bullet to be exact" Katie said in a panicky way
" Chase protect us" Sofia stated as chase suddenly appeared
" chase?!" Kate and akina yelled confused
" oh this is chase l met him when l met Sofia" l stated while chase fended off the bullets [like how Sebastian from black butler fights]
" woah" everyone said while clapping except for Sofia
" that's so good amazing job" l clapped looking at chase
" stay and protect us"Sofia stated looking at chase
" but why did a nen bullet come towards us in the first place" Katie asked
" look their is an opening over there let's go look" l stated pointing at an old building
" akina" l heard a voice say.
" who are you guys" 2 males appeared with knives next to me and Katie's neck
" stop Nobunaga and Phinks these are my friends" akina growled at them
" ugh just because your dating feitan doesn't mean you can boss me around" Nobunaga hissed
" whatever" Phinks groaned
" aghhh" nobunaga shouted
" what happened" a girl with black hair stated walking over to him
" l'm bleeding" he stated in a no duh tone
" woah that's a deep cut" the girl stated in fascinated tone
" who did this" he turned around
" that was me" l stated
" you did this shrimp" he said looking at me
" ya so what if l did" l said in a sassy tone
" how could you do that you don't even have a weapon" he stated
" you don't need to know" l said while glaring
" oh feisty now" he mocked
" l don't have time for you" l stated
" feitan do you like sweets" l stated looking at him
" no l like bitter things" he replied in a l don't really care tone
" then you'll definitely like this" l said bringing out a bag of dark chocolate
" l'm not eating that" he stated
" ya why should we trust you didn't poison it" Phinks stated
" or that's a way for you to control him" a blonde boy stated
" and who are you" l said looking at the blonde boy
" Shalnark" he smirked
" nice to meet you Shalnark" l replied
" whose that" Shalnark asked pointing at the boy next to Sofia
" that's chase what's it to you" l asked
" nothing much" he replied
" y/n you have been here for an hour now shouldn't you get going" akina said while sitting on feitans lap
" oh your completely right" l realized
" let's go Sofia" l replied
" coming Katie" l added turning around
" no l'm gonna stay here with akina but call me" Katie stated
" okay then bye" l replied walking out the crack
" to my destination" l told the driver as l entered the car
" alright grab your seatbelt" he replied
" so what are you doing Sofia" l asked looking at her
" my father said he arranged someone that would be fit to marry me" she replied in a sad tone
" it's okay you don't meet to worry if you need to just call and l can come save you" l stated
" thanks y/n" Sofia replied.

[ 1 hour skip brought to you by an Adorable picture with killua kissing y/n on the cheek]
" we are here" the driver stated
" thank you very much" l stated
" bye y/n" Sofia said
" bye girl" l replied

[ and that was it for this chapter l hope you enjoyed see you in the next chapter]

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