Chapter 1: The Journey Continues

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Time flew past and Team YOLO already finished their Junior High . Their last day together was full of mixed emotions . They knew , they will go on their separate ways after this .
They had chosen different schools for their Senior Life .  Mercy, Justine, and Melchi went to the city , Jyrra went to a private school in the nearby town , Angelie and Arciel both studied at a public school which was a hundred kilometers away from the locality, Vincent ,on the other hand ,went to a private school in their town . While Pamela, Kaye and Angelica chose to stay in their old school.

A month later , everybody was doing fine in their own studies . They were busy with their own lives that they had forgotten to communicate often. Mercy , though always online , never bothered to reply or read their messages on their Group Chat . Justine and Melchi kept ignoring the messages , Arciel deactivated his account while Vincent's account was hacked . Jyrra , who was the creator of the GC , tried her best to understand them . She knew this would happen . The only thing she was sure of was their friendship. 

In their old school , Angelica felt sad.  She was used to hanging out with all of her friends . Now , more than half of their group had left .
"What's wrong Angelica?  " Pamela asked .

"Nothing . I just couldn't believe we aren't together anymore . "

"What do you mean? We are still here .We are YOLO , remember ?  " Kaye asked.

Angelica gave a deep sigh .

"Of course , you're here . But YOLO , I'm not sure if it still exists . Maybe , the name is still there . But , what about the people who made YOLO?  Where are they?  They're not here anymore . "

"Angelica, we all need to grow up. We have our own choices . They've chosen a path different from us but it doesn't mean they quit being our friends . They're just busy with their future . We ,all are. Please , understand them . " Pamela explained calmly.

Angelica accepted Pamela's words . Yes , someday all of them will be together again . If they're busy , then it's time for her to get busy , too.

One night , while Angelica was studying , she noticed a shadow outside of her room . Maybe , a shadow from the tree outside , she thought . After studying , she turned off the light and went to sleep . The next day , while heading to the school , she felt like someone was following her . When she turned her back , nobody was there . Weird.

Kaye , on the other hand , experienced a similar feeling . She felt someone was watching her . Sometimes , she found leaves or twigs on her chair or bag . If someone was pulling a prank on her , she would surely get back on them .

"Angelica , Kaye , how's your morning ? " Pamela asked .

Angelica and Kaye looked at each other .

"Is there something wrong?" Pamela asked again.

"What happened to us a year ago was already forgotten , right?  But why does it feel like someone is watching me?  Why do I always see these things on my personal belongings?  I don't understand.  " Kaye said.

"I also had the same feeling . I felt scared because every night I saw a shadow outside of my room .At first , I thought it was just a tree . But last night , there was no moon. So , a shadow from the tree wouldn't be possible . I really don't know what to think anymore" Angelica said in frustration.

Pamela was speechless . She couldn't find the right words to comfort her friends . If only Mercy or Jyrra was here .

"Maybe , we should tell it to our friends . They can help us . " Pamela suggested .

"And make them worried?  I can't accept that . " Kaye said .

"Promise us , Ella!  Never tell them, okay?  " Angelica said .

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