T W E N T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning


"Come on, I'm starving."

"You're literally surrounded by food." First one in and last one out was Sid's mantra and today was no different. The kitchen was empty again except for her and her whiny friend. Tomi yanked open the industrial refrigerator and pulled out strawberries. After hoisting herself onto the counter she began to munch on them sending juice down the side of her mouth and Sidney's nerves into a loop.

"You really couldn't have just finished dinner with the guy?" Sidney emerged from the stock room and entered the final inventory count into the iPad she was holding before sitting it on a shelf and stared at her friend who was a bit more than tipsy but not entirely drunk.

"He wore a fucking trench coat Sidney. Refused to take the shit off. It's June! It's hot as hell."

"Maybe he was nervous."

"He's a psycho. You want to know why? Because I mentioned once that I like a man in uniform so he decided to wear his trench coat from when he was in Junior ROTC.The. Whole. Night." Tomi popped an entire strawberry in her mouth and chewed. "I hate my life."

Sidney slid her white coat off and hung it on a free hook in her office as she dissolved into chuckles.

"Aww, he was trying to impress you."

"He wanted to lock me in his basement and wear my face. I'm sure."

"So morbid."

"I watch enough Japanese horror to know what happens. And he's a med student. Probably is excellent with a scalpel."

"I mean, I wish I could argue with you but you haven't been wrong yet." Not only did Aiden never completely take to Tomi but Tomi wasn't too fond of him either from the jump. Sid thought it was just jealousy because of the amount of time she spent with Aiden meaning less time for her and Tomi to get into college shenanigans but it seemed that Tomi knew better. She sensed something was amiss early on. Sid looked over at her friend, sitting there chewing strawberries with her eyes closed. Maybe she should just tell her. Spill everything that's been going on and unload some of the mental trauma. Try for once to reach out a hand and explain. Her mind couldn't get off of Kru. It was stuck in a loop. Too much information had been entered in a short period of time and her brain was frozen into nothing. The only time it broke free was to allow the images of her father's death to seep through.

"Tomi..." Sidney whispered.

"Mhm?"Tomi popped another strawberry in her mouth. Sid didn't speak. Her breath caught and the weight of everything she'd been through these last few weeks refused to leave her. Tomi opened her eyes and looked toward Sid, the silence unnerving her.

"You're getting strawberry juice everywhere."

"Oh, shit. I'll clean it." Stumbling around the large kitchen Tomi tossed the strawberries back into the fridge and grabbed the closest rag to wipe down the counter. "Good as new. Can we go eat now? I want so much pasta."

"I don't even know what's still open. It's late." Sid cleared her throat and clicked off the lights and allowed Tomi to trail her toward the exit. The lobby of the hotel was quiet. The last patron left the restaurant over two hours ago and the night stretched toward the wee hours of the morning.

"Let me see." Tomi pulled her phone from the pocket of the loose summer dress she wore and Sid balked.

"It has pockets?" Sid's voice rose with excitement.

"Yes, Queen. Look." Tomi shoved each hand into a pocket and twirled around.

"I gotta borrow that."


Sidney's hand rested on the revolving door and she prepared to push.

"Sidney!" A tiny female voice called out behind them. Sidney knew it belonged to the Front Desk Clerk for the night shift. She was nice and usually didn't bother Sidney at all. Curiosity peeked, Sidney turned around.

"Sorry, sorry. I know you're leaving but he's been waiting for a while for you." The girl pointed a discreet finger toward a cluster of cushy couches near the window. "He asked me not to call and bother you", she added in a whisper. If Aiden had waited around to corner after work she was literally going to die.

"Thank you." Sid dismissed the girl and shot a look at Tomi who seemed to sober up in last thirty seconds. She was all ears and all eyes as Sidney approached the couch. She was still pretty far aware when his profile gave away his identity.

"Who is that?" Tomi whispered in her ear, keeping pace with her as they approached the man. Hearing their approaching footsteps he stood up and turned toward her wearing a nervous yet full smile on his face.

"Surprise." His voice was hopefully and happy. Nothing like it was behind those bars a few days ago.

"Hi, Phil."

DId y'all miss Phil? I must admit, I did

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DId y'all miss Phil? I must admit, I did. What do you think of him just popping up at her job? Sweet or suspicious?

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