From:Ara my Loving sister  ❤️
Can the writer finish use you for a bodyguard so you can spend time at home? I miss you 😔💔

She smiled and replied with "I miss you too" before reading the next text,Regretting it immediately.

From:Jerk Kyung
To:Park Jang-Mi
Jang-Mi,I've tried to talk to you in person but it seems like you don't want to talk to me. I'm sorry for upsetting you

Her heart melted at his message,even though she knew it was sent in a stage written by the writer she thought it was sweet. She smiled as she replied.

To: Bacon(Jerk Kyung)🥓
From: Park Jang-Mi
I told you not to write your name at the end of a text idiot🙄💕


She opened her eyes and saw she was home. Jang-Mi has never been so excited to see her own house before. She saw her sisters sitting in the lounge watching Clueless. She ran and threw herself on top of them.

"YAAA! I missed you" Ara screamed hugging her sister and kissing her face. Lily looked at the two confused she knew her sisters loved each other but they saw each other in the morning didn't they.

"Aigooo, I missed you more! I hardly had any shadow scenes! I want to be an extra than a secondary lead character it's tiring" she pouted and squeezed herself between her sisters.

They sat and watched clueless but Jang-Mi felt her eyes get heavy and the last thing she remembered before falling asleep on Ara's shoulder was Cher calling Josh.


Jang-Mi was in her pajamas and had just woken up. It was about 7pm when Lily woke her up and said Xiumin from EXO was by their front door. She walked down to the door and saw Kyung standing there with flowers in his hands. What is he doing here? Ara and Lily hid behind a pillar watching the two.

"You're in Pajamas?" He asked confused.

"You're by my house when we aren't talking for what?" Wait what do you mean we aren't talking he apologized over text? I'm lost

"Jang-Mi, I hate when we fight you're my only other friend outside of A3. I'm sorry for what happened between us I get that I over stepped please forgive me" he pleaded putting the orchids in front of her. "I know Tulips are your favorite flower but Orchids mean I'm sorry" he whispered. He remembers my favorite flower but not his own apology.

Stage Jang-Mi's heart dropped at the word friend in his apology but she accepted the flowers. She turned and places the flowers in a vase. Wow how convenient.

"Do you want to go sit on my swing in the back?" She asked the boy who nodded and followed her.

"Unnie I can't believe Xiumin Oppa from EXO brought Jang-Mi flowers!" Lily squealed revealing their hiding spot.

"We were just about to go to bed hahaha" Stage Ara said when the two teens stared at them. "Lily he isn't Xiumin from EXO he is Baek Kyung, Namju's friend" she said pulling the little girl up the stairs.

"Goodnight Jang-Mi Unnie And Xiumin Oppa" She said before her Ara and her ran up the stairs. Baek Kyung laughed at the sisters. He has a cute smile.

They sat on the swings in Jang-Mi's yard, she sighed and looked at her feet. So dramatic girl.

"I wasn't upset because of what happened between us, I was upset because of the way you spoke to Danoh. Kyung she has a heart problem and you spoke to her like a piece of trash" she said looking at the boy.

He didn't respond instead he put his head down. She sighed and stood up off the swing and he grabbed her wrist and stood up as well.

"So you weren't mad because we almost kissed?" He whispered leaning in. NO BE STRONG FOR EUN DANOH HE DIDNT APOLOGIZE ABOUT THAT! HE IS ENGAGED.

Stage Jang-Mi didn't move, and a part of shadow Jang-Mi didn't want her too either.

"No I wasn't mad because of that" she said staring in his eyes. He smells really nice, like really nice. Stage Jang-Mi put her hair behind her ear, her heart practically thumping so loud she was sure Kyung could hear it.

He held her cheek and leaned some more, her eyes fluttered close. Holy shit was she going to kiss Baek Kyung?

Buzz buzz

His phone went off and that broke Jang-Mi's trance she pulled back and cleared her throat.

"You should get that it might be Danoh" she folded her arms and looked to the side. What did you expect he is engaged obviously his fiancée might message him.

"Actually it's my father, I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow" he looked at her before they walked inside her house towards the front door. "You don't have to walk me to the gate you're in pajamas"

Stage Jang-Mi nodded and opened the door for him.

"Thank you for the flowers. I love them" she smiled at him her heart still Thumping in her chest. As he walked off she closed the door.


"WE ALMOST KISSED AND I WAS IN PAJAMAS! When I get my hands on the writer I'll make him pay!" She complained as she sunk to the floor her head in her hands.

"We almost kissed" she whispered a smile on her face.

"No no no we can't kiss he is engaged to Danoh,but we almost kissed" she sighed dreamily.

Reminisce~ Baek KyungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat