Want a Cup of Tea?

Start from the beginning

I took to Javi, he stands there, completely still and silent. I know he's scared when people insinuate that he's a criminal. I guess you could technically say that Javi was a criminal. I don't know if I justify petty theft as criminal activity though.

I nod my head to Louis and we walk around the corner into the hall. He leans against the wall and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket, like he's ready to light it up right here. My hands are clenched together in front of me and I feel like a thousand bricks are still on top of my chest. What does he want?

"Can I ask who you brought with you?" He quips, staring directly into my soul.

I cough, "Uh, my brother. I was allowed one person to help me move my stuff in."

He slowly nods his head, like he was taking every word I said with careful consideration. "Do you have something in your purse?"

The question shocks me. If we weren't in the middle of a fucking penthouse in a five-star hotel, I'd be on his ass. But he's my employer's... friend... coworker? I don't know what he is to Harry, but I can't fuck this up for myself. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment, a tight lump forming in the back of my throat. Don't you dare cry.

I shake my head, barely being able to mutter, "There's nothing in my purse."

He stands for a second and keeps his composure. He doesn't even look mad, no, he looks smug. He looks like he knows exactly what he's doing to me. I keep waiting for him to respond, but my anxiety takes over causing me to mumble, "Do you need me to get my purse and prove it to you?"

Now it looked as if it was my turn to shock him. His cheeks blushed for a minute and he coughed, "No."

We stood again, face to face, in silence. The day that they arrested Javi last year flooded my memory. I thought about sobbing in front of the Walgreens while I watched the cops throw him up against a car and pat him down. I thought about his teary and fearful eyes locking with mine while his face was pressed against the hood. The feeling of wanting to cry from embarrassment passed and now I felt as if I was ready to explode. Why did Louis think that he could just accuse the both of us over something so petty and stupid? It's not like this guy even lived here!

"If you're done accusing me of being a criminal for the second time, I have some things that I need to unpack." I snapped.

He took a step closer to me, his eyes growing darker, "I'm not accusing you of anything," I snort at that remark, he continues, "I'm just looking out for Harry. For years now we've always had to keep our guard up around people that we don't know because they take advantage of us. I don't trust people that I don't know well."

The words 'take advantage of us' seem to loop in my brain. He thinks that people take advantage of them? What about being available to someone as a chef for 24/7 doesn't scream being taken advantage of? What about all of the assistants and the assistants to the assistants that work for people like them? What about the housekeepers that clean their rooms and the people who fly their private planes and the hotel staff that waits on them like royalty? Yeah, they're the ones being taken advantage of all right.

I shake my head and try not to laugh, "If you'll excuse me, I'm not employed by you and I think that this conversation between us was extremely inappropriate. I'm going to unpack my things now."

He stands for a second before slightly rolling his eyes. I turn to head back to the kitchen and hear the door shut behind me. Javi is leaning up against the counter, tossing an apple up into the air.

"I heard all of that," he stated.

"Yeah, really nice guy, don't you think?" I sneer at the thought of our conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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