Want a Cup of Tea?

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After a long meeting with Dana, the rest of the legal team, and all of his management, I was now officially employed by Harry Styles for the next 17 days. The paycheck coming at the end of this was more than I could dream of. Almost 20 grand for less than three weeks of work. Granted, I was now a live-in chef and I was to make myself available anytime of the day, but still... 20 grand.

Javi was especially skeptical of the whole situation, but as soon as he found out about the sheer amount of money I was about to receive, he was quick to help convince mom about this opportunity. "We should use some of this to go to Mexico." Javi had said earlier to me, completely serious. I couldn't understand why he was so desperate to visit him. He started a new life without us. When was the last time that he called either of us?

So here I was with Javi at 11:00 at night on a Friday, moving into the Penthouse suite.

"Damn Georgia, did you pack for a whole fucking year? Why is this so heavy?" Javi wheezed, pulling my large suitcase behind him.

"You're so dramatic, I only have that and this box. If Charity was moving in, she'd have six suitcases."

We both stood outside the large door and paused. I knew no one was here, hence why I was told to move in this late... so I wouldn't bother anyone; but I couldn't make myself go in.

I looked to Javi, "Maybe this was a mistake."

"What do you mean?!" He shrieked. "Some people make this type of money in a year! You have to do this."

"I can't live here dude, what if, what if I completely fuck this up? Like they do know that I actually have zero culinary background, right?"

I can feel myself beginning to spiral here. The thought of never really feeling like I deserve what I get consumes me for a second until I hear Javi dragging the suitcase in the room.

"Holy shit," He wolf whistles.

I shake my head; I know how he feels walking into this place for the first time. I don't think that I'll ever get used to this amount of splendor in a room. Who needs all this stuff anyways?

"I know," I laugh, taking a second to admire the room. You get to sleep here for the next three weeks.

Javi lightly trails his fingers over a bowl of fruits shaped out of crystals, "How much do you think one of these sells for?" He looks to me and I shrug, "Georgia, open your purse and let me put this in it." He cackles, I know he's joking, but I also sense an undertone of seriousness in his voice.

I get his thoughts. After working at the hotel for three years, there's been more times than I could count where I've debated pocketing a lost ring or watch. Some socialite's Cartier bracelet could pay for my entire degree. It was infuriating to surround yourself with people this wealthy when you know you just know, that no matter how hard you bust your ass, you'll never get to where they are.

"I think that I'd advise against taking that," a voice responded.

My heart sank as I looked over to see Louis coming down the stairs. He had a disapproving look on his face as he dragged his luggage behind him. He must have been leaving.

"He was just joking!" I quickly add, trying to save face. First, he thinks I stole the ring, now he thinks that I'm bringing in my criminal friends to steal shit.

He raises his eyebrows at me like he doesn't believe me. I know that he doesn't believe me. Without saying a word, he places his key fob onto the counter and turns towards the door, "Georgia, can I have a quick chat with you?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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