"Well, it is hard to argue with math. Believe me, I've tried." Coran said as he pushed himself against Pidge.

"But even if they do reach the quintessence field, then what?" Lance asked, "The last time anyone got in there, it turned Zarkon evil."

"Lance makes a fine point! Take that, math!" Coran exclaimed.

"Zarkon fell prey to his own evil instincts." I said, "the quintessence field didn't create them, it revealed them. And I fknow anything about my sister, she won't let them get hurt."

I knew that Saoirse would do anything to protect the ones she cared about. It was what she would do to do it that scared me. She was so selfless that she would give up her own life to save others.

Saoirse may not show it, but any time Voltron gets hurt, she endures the pain and hides it, just so that no one has to worry.

The bay door opened and the ship lifted to launch, then it sped off towards Daibazaal. We watched the ship speed off towards the destroyed planet with worry filling our minds.

"So this is goodbye, for now." Coran whispered.

"Allura." Lance said as he looked towards Allura on the screen.

"Yes, Lance?"

"Get back safe."

"I will."

I looked towards Saoirse, "Saoirse." I said.

She looked towards me waiting for me to speak.

"Please, come back safe, okay?"

She stayed silent for a moment before she smiled and nodded.

"I promise." She said, and by her law, she would never break her promise to return.

The ship flew closer and closer to the quintessence field gate, resdy to enter.

"T-minus ten ticks to gate entry." Coran said as he counted down.



The gate began to glow....


Saoirse was covered in light as the ship used her power of energy manipulation...




They came closer and closer....




In a flash of light, the ship disappeared into the quintessence field. I stayed calm as they disappeared, knowing that they were going to be okay.


We passed through the gate, and immediately I felt so much energy swirling around us. I opened my eyes and broke off my concentration, only to see a field of white surrounding us.

"Extraordinary." I heard Allura gasp in awe.

Our ship kept flying through this wide space of quintessence, but at the same time, my hands slowly began to tremble, and my mind became hazy.


As soon as Saoirse, Allura and Lotor went through the gate, the alarms in the Castle turned around, blaring loudly in our ears.

At the same time, the long-range sensors picked up something and showed us its signature on the control panel.

"I've got an incoming craft." Coran informed.

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