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Lexie Clarkson smiled to herself as she walked into the staffroom. Lexie was the youngest member of staff. She had only finished Waterloo road as a student a few months ago and she was back as a trainee teacher thanks to her dad Tom Clarkson. Lexie walked over and made herself a coffee

"hey princess" Tom said as he walked over to her. She looked to him and smiled

"hi dad"

"you look tired, are you okay" he asked

"I'm fine, I'm a student teacher dad. I'm always tired but don't need to worry, it's worth it, I want this career and I have to work for it" Lexie said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"your going to make a great teacher it's in your dna" Tom said as Lexie looked to him and smiled

"I miss her too, mum" Lexie said as she thought over her mum, she had only been a kid when she lost her mum and not a day went by that she didn't think over her mum and how much she missed her. Tom placed a hand on top of his daughters and smiled

"I know you do but she would be so proud of you" Tom said as Lexie smiled.

Lexie looked as max Tyler Walked into the room. He looked to her and smirked as Lexie hung her head knowing could know what was happening with them

"I'll see you later love" Tom said as he walked off as lexie smiled. She took a sip of her coffee and sighed as max walked over to her

"I thought that he would never leave" max said as Lexie looked to him and rolled her eyes "lay off, he's my dad and we're all each other have" Lexie said as max smiled

"I had fun last night" max said as Lexie looked to him and smiled "it was" "well maybe we could do it again some time" max asked as Lexie Looked to him and rolled her eyes

"what, have sex?" She asked as he smirked


"maybe, I don't date co workers especially those who are my boss" Lexie said as max looked to her and smirked "there's a difference between dating and having sex" max said as he walked off as Lexie looked to him and rolled her eyes. She turned around and smiled as she saw Simon

"you shouldn't let me treat you like that" Simon said as Lexie frowned

"what do you mean?"

"That you are only for sex, your amazing Lexie and you deserve better than how max Tyler treats you. You know that your not the only one that he is having sex with right?" Simon asked as Lexie looked to him and sighed

Lexie walked down the hallway and walked into simons classroom. He looked to her and smiled "can we talk" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"of course, is everything okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded

"that's what I was going to ask, you have been off with me" Lexie said "I haven't Lexie, trust me. I could never be off with you" Simon said as Lexie looked to him and frowned

"then what is going on?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed over you and max because he doesn't treat you right and you deserve the best" Simon said as Lexie looked to him for a moment and frowned

"and why do you care?" She asked as they held a look before he grabbed her and kissed her. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately as she kissed him back.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as he lifted her up onto the desk as they kissed passionately. Her hands went to his belt as he undid it.

She looked to him and smirked as he pulled her close. He pulled off her thong and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Lexie walked into the staffroom all that she could think over was how she and Simon had sex and how he made her toes curl. Lexie knew that she had slept with max a few times and it was good but not like with Simon.

Lexie looked as Simon walked in and smirked as they held a look. Lexie has no idea how her life was about to change

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