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BENEATH THE REMAINING GUARDIANS, THE GROUND BEGAN TO SHAKE. The result of the impact caused the floor to crack, and Gamora and Nebula fell into the dark pit below.

"Gamora!" Peter shouted to her.

Suddenly, long strands of energy appeared behind the rest of them, attempting to strike. Ego's deafening voice could be heard. "Peter! Come now, Peter. I know this isn't what you want! What kind of father would I be to let you make this choice?"

The four of them all used their separate weapons to fight against the energy. Yondu using his arrow, Rocket using his gun, Peter using his blasters, and Blair using her pistols.

After a few minutes of continuous fighting, Ego began to grow angry. "Soon Peter, we will be all that there is. So stop pissing me off!"

Peter began firing vigorously at Ego's arms of energy, but was too slow and got struck, sending him backward onto the ground. His helmet cracked in half and flew off his head.

He slowly sat up to his knees, seeing Rocket struggling with the energy. Looking away, he saw Ego start to form from bones to muscles, until he made it to his human form.

Once again looking away, he saw Yondu get hit to the ground and covered with stones. A little past Yondu, Blair was held up into the air, using her hidden blades to try and get out, but it was no use.

"I told you, I don't want to do this alone." Ego struck Peter in the back. "You cannot deny the purpose the universe has bestowed upon you!"

Across the universe, a giant blue glob began to eat away at every single planet. Peter began to grow weak from the energy, draining him of all his power. The core began to light up behind him.

"It doesn't need to be like this, Peter. Why are you destroying our chance? Stop pretending you aren't what you are. One in billions, trillions! Even more! What greater meaning does life possibly have to offer?" Ego scolded Peter.

In the distance, Peter heard Yondu speaking. "I don't use my head to fly the arrow, boy! I use my hear-" He was interrupted by stones covering his mouth.

Peter looked over to Blair, who was beginning to lose her consciousness. She gave him a look, and for the first time in Peter's life, he saw that she was scared. Terrified. Worried for her and the rest of her family's life.

He began to think on all the great events in his life: him and his mother listening to music, Drax and him laughing at something stupid, Rocket and him flying in the sky, Gamora and him fighting some bandits they came across, Blair and him dancing aggressively to Footloose by Kenny Loggins, and finally, Yondu teaching him how to shoot a gun.

Peter looked at Ego, and tiny pebbles around him began to rise from the floor, surrounding Peter. Ego took a step back, eyes wide.

Peter clenched his teeth. "You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman."

MOONAGE DAYDREAM ♛ GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now