"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Niall says, holding onto Harry's hand.

Harry pouts a little, "Alright. Have a good day at work, babe."

Leaning forward, Harry places a peck on his lips and begrudgingly exits the car. Just after having spent one night together, both of them feel a much higher level of attachment to the other. Any person that's been in a relationship understands how exciting the honeymoon phase is. Any time apart from the other is any time too long.

Niall watches as Harry safely makes it inside his car, sending him a quick wave before he shuts his door. A short drive later, Niall makes it to work with a few minutes to spare and parks in the employee designated car park. He grabs his badge from his pants pocket and clips it onto his work vest, officially completing his uniform.

As soon as he approaches the entrance to the store, he hears a fairly loud commotion coming from the inside. The voice that sticks out the most is his coworker's. Niall apprehensively walks closer to the scene and sees Louis—whose shirt is absolutely drenched, shouting at their manager in the front of the store. From what Niall has learned during the last year and a half of working with Louis, is that occasionally he can be a ticking time bomb. However, the other times he's seen him explode were in the solitude of their break room as he rants about annoying customers. Niall can only assume something pretty major went on to cause this.

"Me? You think I'm at fucking fault for this shitshow? The fucking nerve you have, mate." Louis exclaims, scoffing at their manager.

"I've had enough of this Louis, grab your shit and go. I don't want to see your face around here ever again." Their manager, Tom, replies. He soon spots Niall, "Horan, escort him out of here, I need you on the floor in five minutes."

Niall is confused as can be, but regardless rushes to the break room behind his fuming coworker. There's very little information Niall can gather from what he just saw, but he does know that their manager Tom can be a real ass considering he almost always prioritizes the profit of the store over the well-being of his employees. Once the door swings shut to the break room, Louis unleashes his thoughts as he stuffs his belongings from his locker into a backpack.

"Louis, what the fuck happened?" Niall questions.

"Oh, I'll tell you what fucking happened," He laughs dryly. "This bitch of a customer threw her drink at me after I told her nicely that her card declined. So what do I do? I ask her what the fuck is wrong with her and she starts screaming that I attacked her. The lady deserves to be in a mental hospital. To top it off, Tom fucking took her side."

"Fuck, Louis. That's horrible. You have every right to be upset, but you need to slow down and breathe," Niall directs.

"No, what I need to fucking do is punch Tom square in the face," Louis replies, causing Niall to scold him.

Within a minute, Louis has finished packing and storms out of the break room, Niall hot on his trail. He rips the vest off of his body and as soon as his eyes land on Tom, Louis throws it at him. Before Niall can grab a hold of his arm to pull him away, Louis lifts his leg and kicks Tom straight on the crotch. Tom has no time to react and falls to the ground, watching Louis run out of the store with Niall quickly following behind him.

"What the fuck, Lou! He could call the police on you after that stunt. I'm calling Harry to pick you up, I don't trust you to be by yourself. I'm going to have to straighten shit out with Tom to make sure he doesn't sue your ass," Niall shouts, his hand gripping his hair in frustration.

Louis takes a seat on the pavement, obliterated with laughter, "He fucking deserved it, that tosser."

Niall ignores him as he puts his phone to his ear after pressing on Harry's contact. He cares deeply for his coworker and he knows that the mistreatment of their manager has built up to the breaking point. Ultimately, it was for the best that Louis got out of Tesco, but not at the cost of an assault charge. Niall knows he can count on Harry to watch Louis while he's at work trying to fix things with his boss.

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